Nah, Fox just wants to be able to say they're being 'fair and balanced'. I don't mind hearing what the other side has to say; it's good to know what the other side thinks, and it helps to cement my own opinion.
I don’t mind hearing what the other side has to say; it’s good to know what the other side thinks, and it helps to cement my own opinion.
Amen! It also helps us to make a more enlightened and reasoned case for the truth. ;-))
I did a little searching on the group the guy is connected with—in April they were trying to prevent Paul Ryan from speaking at Georgetown because of his budget plan. So it may be a local Washington-based or Georgetown-based group, well-placed to keep pestering Fox for attention. They may actually be Catholics but of the “social justice,” Cardinal Bernardin/Kathleen Sebelius variety.