Posted on 05/27/2012 5:10:04 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
After 16 months of unimaginable discord, Wisconsin feels more divided than ever.
But the underlying fault lines are not new.
Gov. Scott Walkers job performance is splitting the state along familiar political and demographic lines.
Walkers job rating is positive among men, married people, frequent church-goers, higher-income-earners, whites, non-union households and people without a college degree.
Walkers job rating is negative among women, people who arent married, people who dont go to religious services, non-whites, lower-income-earners, union households, and people with a bachelors degree or higher.
These patterns transcend the Wisconsin recall wars; they are basic features of todays red-blue divide in America.
They dont fit every Wisconsin voter, of course.
But they do describe a majority of the states electorate, according to five months of survey data from Marquette Law School, pooled together for this analysis in one massive 2012 sample of 3,534 registered voters.
Of all the voters polled by Marquette this year, 49% approved of Gov. Walkers performance and 47% disapproved. The state as a whole has been almost perfectly divided over the governor.
But what goes into that divide?
Combining Marquettes five 2012 surveys gives us a more detailed picture, since it provides much larger samples (with lower margins of error) when looking at smaller components of the electorate, such as union members, or voters under 30.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
These numbers mean next to nothing since the effectiveness of Walker’s policies are becoming evident now, not in January and February. The data needs to be looked at over time.
These numbers mean next to nothing since the effectiveness of Walker’s policies are becoming evident now, not in January and February. The data needs to be looked at over time.
This map emphasizes the role of media and talk radio. We need to figure out a way to extend the persuasiveness to a greater area. Buy a radio station?
I have been saying that for years. However, there is hope. I think that Vickie McKenna has extended her program to the Eau Claire area. That will help. She’s already on in Milwaukee and Madison. I hope she penetrates those heavily union areas before November.
Walkers job rating is negative among women, people who arent married, people who dont go to religious services, non-whites, lower-income-earners, union households, and people with a bachelors degree or higher.
Kind of interesting how they say folks with degrees hate him, yet high earners like him - must be a bunch of them "liberal arts" degrees out there.
Everybody I know in this state loves him, and everybody I know in this state is a college graduate. I don’t buy those results. Maybe it’s just foks with “education” degrees who are nursing animus toward’s our governor.
Or said another way: The "hosts" versus the "parasites".
It may come as a shock to the Journal, but those lines are in place throughout the USA.
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