Well, only took 9 days for you to do an abrupt shift re: commenting upon the religiosity of POTUS candidates, eh, Jeff?
May 8, 2012, to NoRedTape: Do you really have to make this thread an anti-LDS thing? ...As to religion, if you must make it about that... Source: Santorum endorses one-time rival Romney
No religious hypocrisy being practiced here, eh, Jeff?
Tis OK to make threads an anti-Islamic "thing" as long as it pertains to Obama, eh? But Mormonism is somehow "sacrosanct" from similar dissection?
Crass religio-political hypocrisy, Jeff!
I quoted what was on Hannity last night for millions to see and hear.
And will say right now that religion is not at all the issue here in the least...the lying and the infighting between Wright and Obama are...and the opportunity it presents for the Romney campaign to not even have to go there because they are playing it out themselves.
But have a great day all the same.
Reverend Wright has said America deserved to be attacked on 9/11; that Americas chickens were coming home to roost. He is infamous for the quote “not God bless America, but G*d America.” A position the Mormon church does not hold.
In this case I'd say the problem is not so much a religious one, as it is about the rhetoric of Reverend Wright. I'd say it is far more pertinent to call Obama out for sitting in a "church" for twenty years under the teaching of a man who hates our nation, than to criticize Romney's religion. I thought Jeff was trying to keep back the mockers with their planet Kolob charts and such which can get a good distance off topic.