Thanks for your remarks. There is so much truth in what you say.
Politics is dirty...Machiavelli made sure that people understand what entails getting and keeping power. It is extremely ugly and competitive and deadly. Most good people have an extremely hard time getting into politics—esp. now when the press can lie and defame with no penalty. Solzhenitsyn mentioned the lack of truth in the press in 78 at Harvard Address. No decent person has a chance with the evil press now and ignorant people because of horrible government educational system (godless).
Hillary has deep anger-—it is why she has used such fowl language and shrewish behavior. The way she treats other people—esp. secret service—is telling. This anger comes from a deep hate of self—and a rejection of God. People who accept God—have a love of others and self that removes all hate.
CS Lewis writes on this concept. God is Love.
You are very well read. I know nothing more of Machiavelli, but the term itself. You inspire me to at least search out his name, for a crash outline of his musings. Solzhenitsyn is such a hero for us. And of course the much loved C.S. Lewis. Thank you.