She is doomed because she has rejected God.
I really hate when people make blanket declarations like this. Christ loves Hillary Clinton and died on the cross for her. Until she dies, there is every possibility she will see the light, accept His forgiveness and be saved. No one thought Saul of Tarsus could be saved and, as far as I know, his life pretty much turned around.
You may judge by their fruits.....we have a duty as Christians to “judge” people by their actions and words and condemn sins.
Pastor Bonhoeffer stated while watching Hitler and helping with the plan to murder him before he was hanged, that “not to speak in the face of evil—is to speak. To NOT act, is to act”. You have a DUTY to act when evil is happening. ALWAYS. History proves it.
We have to voice our disgust of the Clinton’s evil acts which destroys freedom. If they repent—fine—that is between them and God—not us. But we have a duty to condemn evil acts—otherwise, evil will thrive. Remember—the Saints were killed because they condemned evil vocally.
Not condemning homosexual “marriage” has led to votes now on this abomination and allowing Rights being twisted into meaning the “Right to Sodomy”. How sick is that????? 30 years ago—this evil “lifestyle” needed to be put back in the closet, like the early Christians did in Rome.
But these Postmodern “love evil” Christians warped the whole idea of the Bible. We are supposed to condemn sin ALWAYS. The act of “saving” belongs to God and I NEVER assume to know if Hillary will be “saved” or not. BUT we have a duty to judge her acts and by them, yes, she is doomed because her acts prove she rejects God. But no Christian will assume to know if anyone will end up being saved or not.