You’d be hard pressed to find a single government k-12 school teacher who doesn’t worship at the altar of SexEd. They’re so indoctrinated themselves you can barely talk to them.
I know....I argued with some of the new crop of brainwashed “teachers”. Even facts can’t sway their belief. Even the basic fact that after Sex Ed was put into the schools, sexual activity in children increased 700%.
If you read the Cultural Marxist’s material-—that is what sex ed is designed to do—destroy morality and virtue in children. It promotes the emotions of sex because children are too immature and inexperienced to understand the deeper meaning of “sex” . Sex Ed removes morality and reduces the act to a base urge. The added Marxist mantra of the Cultural Marxists is: If it feels good, do it.
That is the morality—the pleasure principle— which is hedonism-—that they have forced on all school children (DOE) since the 70’s. They had pilot programs to float their sex ed prior to the mandatory “lessons” in the 70’s and all of them resulted in many more children experimenting with sex. It removes all moral barriers—God. Marx hated God and family relationships. Sex Ed is designed to destroy both-—all long term relationships.