1 posted on
05/08/2012 10:45:22 AM PDT by
To: ColdOne
Richard Larrabee, senior special agent assigned to investigate the matter for the Department of Interior's inspector general Soon to be, unemployed 'senior special agent....', Richard Larabee.
2 posted on
05/08/2012 10:52:12 AM PDT by
To: ColdOne
...was trying to determine whether the White House intentionally edited the report to create the false impression that outside experts supported the administration's call for a moratorium...Seems to me we knew this was true over a year ago.
4 posted on
05/08/2012 11:21:21 AM PDT by
(Having an opinion is not the same as having the answer...)
To: ColdOne
There is no end to the criminality of this adminstration. They hush hushed much of the spill occurring on his watch...yet if it was Bush, we’d still be hearing about it. Oh, wait..
5 posted on
05/08/2012 11:24:48 AM PDT by
(The Tower of Sauron falls on 11.06.2012)
To: ColdOne
Really surprised the T-P published this.
To: ColdOne
After Obama is defeated, we should bring charges against Obama for gross dereliction and to all in his administration and let the squealing begin.
7 posted on
05/08/2012 11:45:10 AM PDT by
Dapper 26
To: ColdOne
Didn't the WH block all flights and pictures of the spill? just wonderun!
11 posted on
05/08/2012 1:27:13 PM PDT by
(L I B Lacking in Brains)
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