BBM. Aside from all other issues with his ever-shifting "positions", there is no doubt IMO that the MSM will ensure Willard's religion plays a major role (liability) in the election. You don't even have to read between the lines to see where this is heading.
1 posted on
05/07/2012 10:36:55 AM PDT by
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To: kevcol
Bill Ayers viits BO on a regular basis.
74 posted on
05/07/2012 5:54:55 PM PDT by
( go in peace , serve the Lord)
To: kevcol
This is the same religious bigotry that JFK faced.
78 posted on
05/07/2012 6:28:24 PM PDT by
(I trust Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Cain, Perry, Bachman : I trust their judgment on 2012 pick.)
To: kevcol
Catholicism was seen as a cult in the US up until the mid-20th century
JFKs election had a lot to do with mainstream acceptance and who could blame outsiders for thinking its strange when people say they literally ingest the body and blood of Jesus Christ every Sunday?
79 posted on
05/07/2012 6:40:25 PM PDT by
(I trust Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Cain, Perry, Bachman : I trust their judgment on 2012 pick.)
To: kevcol
Santorum Endorses One-time Rival Romney
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 06:55 AM
Former presidential hopeful Rick Santorum urged his supporters to back fellow Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign Monday in a late-night email that called for the one-time rivals to unite and defeat Barack Obama.
85 posted on
05/08/2012 7:33:30 AM PDT by
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