And I’m equally sick of hearing about this totally useless distraction.
It’s time wasted on nonsense when we should be doing what it best for the country as a whole. That is stopping the runaway downward trend into has-been status. America and Americans deserve better.
Most people CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.
To simply toss aside the clear meaning of words and the Constitution at the same time to focus "on the economy," insults us all.
Why not try doing both, or perhaps even more?
Most people, especially Americans, can do much more than they think and it's high time to aim higher than merely looking forward to the weekend.
I'm saying these things after just getting back from Europe and visiting England, Spain, France and Italy.
Lovely people but clearly going down the tube for the simple reason that they refuse to think for themselves AND WORK!
Please re-read the last line of Post #13...
It is enough to make a patriot cry that you believe that the distraction is more important than the constitution.