“This is the thing about Gingrich that began to worry me a while back. The man has no money-sense whatsoever. Gifted, but flawed.”
That is like blaming George Clooney when a movie he is starring in goes over budget.
Gingrich is not a pampered Hollywood star hired to play a role by the people actually in charge.
Gingrich hired the staff and set the agenda that required spending lots of money. Gingrich decided to stay in the race long after it was obvious he was not going to be the nominee.
Ever hear the expression “the buck stops here”?
Maybe a former legislator like Gingrich lacks the executive experience to put together a competent team - but that doesn’t mean he is not responsible for the executive decisions he made (or failed to make, or delegated) during his own campaign.
No one other than Jesus Christ would not have been able to withstand the constant flood of campaign sliming coming from Romney.