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1 posted on 05/01/2012 7:33:21 PM PDT by Mozilla
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To: Mozilla

I don’t like Mitt Romney, but this article has nothing to do with it. He didn’t force the residents of Massachusetts to join the Mormon Church when he was Governor.

2 posted on 05/01/2012 7:40:23 PM PDT by Clintonfatigued (A liberal's compassion is limited to the size of other peoples' paychecks)
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To: Elsie; reaganaut; Mozilla

Looks like one you will enjoy ping!

3 posted on 05/01/2012 7:44:48 PM PDT by sickoflibs (Romney is a liberal. Just watch him closely try to screw us.)
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To: Mozilla

Well at least they never called us “Whores of Babylon”.....

6 posted on 05/01/2012 8:03:25 PM PDT by Vendome (Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
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To: Mozilla

Phobias like this only serve the left. I have seen nothing to indicate that Romney has ever acted to establish Mormonism as the State Religion. I fear evangelists and their cults just as much, but as long as they don’t take the Muslim stance of establishing their state religion as the current cabal in Washington then it’s time to leave this kind of cheap trash out of the debate.

7 posted on 05/01/2012 8:05:46 PM PDT by Steamburg (The contents of your wallet is the only language Politicians understand.)
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To: Mozilla
I recommend a look into Dr. Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults. There in that great book you will find a thorough 60 page analysis of the Latter Day "Saints." The book will also look into the Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Spiritism, The Theosophical Society, Zen Buddhism, The Baha'i Faith, The Unity Church, Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, the Unification Church, Scientology, Islam, and the Eastern Religions. Why did I include the long list of cults for your interest? Because, you will find faults with many of the world's cults and those of us who are Christian, should not condemn, but love everyone; even when they fail to know the good word of Christ. It is those who know the truth that have a responsibility to tell the truth in a way that will lift up our fellow man; not put him down. We should show the light of our lives, warn those who do not know what they are doing that there is danger, and tell all that there is a better way. The good news is Christ's love which all people can enjoy--even Willard Romney!
12 posted on 05/01/2012 8:21:12 PM PDT by jonrick46 (Countdown to 11-06-2012)
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To: Mozilla

Oh, joy.
I can’t wait for the threads bashing Catholics for practicing idolatry, child sacrifice and witchcraft.
By all means, let’s rip each other apart over actual and perceived doctrinal differences. It’s what the infantile Right does best.

18 posted on 05/01/2012 8:39:11 PM PDT by Thumper1960 (A modern so-called "Conservative" is a shadow of a wisp of a vertebrate human being.)
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To: Mozilla

Basically nonsense.

23 posted on 05/01/2012 8:54:10 PM PDT by JustTheTruth
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To: Mozilla

Y’all are a bunch of cheapskate heathens - and don’t think I haven’t noticed you have failed to send in your tithes. Excuses about delivery difficulties to the interior of the ‘Glades are Not acceptable.

Get those payments made NOW! You don’t want to burn, Burn BURN!


40 posted on 05/01/2012 9:55:00 PM PDT by GladesGuru (In a society predicated upon freedom, it is necessary to examine principles."...the public interest)
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To: Mozilla

From time to time notable Mormons have gone on charm offensives to depict the faith as being one of high morals and clean living. That may be so on paper, but Mitt isn’t even honoring their own paper.

46 posted on 05/01/2012 9:59:20 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck (Away with them and the high horses they rode in on.)
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To: Mozilla
According to its founder. . . and Smith’s successor, Mormons are the only true people of God on the earth. All non-Mormons and their religions are “wrong, an abomination, blind, damned, of the devil, whores, not Christians, groveling in darkness, heathens, ignorant, devoid of fact, pagan and hatched in Hell.”

Funny, that is the general opinion of the Orthodox Jews, Catholics and Muslims as well !!. So I don't think I will panic just yet.

Actually I would like to learn about the Mormon method of child rearing and successful , prosperous business building within the framework of the law. When was the last time I heard of a family scandal, shooting or criminal business dealing involving a Mormon? UUmmm . . . quite awhile IF EVER. It is rare to hear of a Mormon scandal of any kind. I would like a track record of well mannered, industrious, God-fearing, successful kids like that as part of my epitaph.

On the other hand reverend write of obama fame - now that man puts some very radical and violent thoughts into the airwaves and his version of religious faith makes me very nervous.

I think you are taking the DNC operatives at CNN & MSNBC much too seriously!

75 posted on 05/01/2012 11:11:27 PM PDT by chit*chat
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To: Mozilla

I’m voting for the guy with the (R) after his name.

77 posted on 05/01/2012 11:26:35 PM PDT by Brad from Tennessee (A politician can't give you anything he hasn't first stolen from you.)
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To: Mozilla

Islamic(much worse murederous moon cult of death religion) president we have in office right now. /thread

78 posted on 05/02/2012 12:06:06 AM PDT by MARKUSPRIME
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To: Mozilla

This site is full of paid Democrat operatives doing their best to divide Republicans and get their boy Obama re-elected. Second term Obama will really unleash hell on America. How much do you get paid for your black ops?

81 posted on 05/02/2012 12:19:55 AM PDT by dennisw
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To: Mozilla

great post ... keep on fighting ...

98 posted on 05/02/2012 2:52:18 AM PDT by Patton@Bastogne (Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin "will win" the 2012 GOP Nomination in Tampa !)
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To: Mozilla; Elsie; All
From the article: According to its founder, Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young, Smith’s successor, Mormons are the only true people of God on the earth. All non-Mormons and their religions are “wrong, an abomination, blind, damned, of the devil, whores, not Christians, groveling in darkness, heathens, ignorant, devoid of fact, pagan and hatched in Hell.” When Romney made a speech about his religion in 2008 he refused to distance himself from his faith and fully affirmed his Mormonism. Responding to critics, Romney said, "They would prefer it if I would simply distance myself from my religion, say that it is more a tradition than my personal conviction, or disavow one or another of its precepts. That I will not do. I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it. My faith is the faith of my fathers - I will be true to them and to my beliefs."

My, my, my. Where's the self-appointed FR "bigot patrol" when you need them??? Here, "the faith of" Romney's fathers - a faith he "endeavors to live by" and "will be true to" comes to us Christians and tries to woo us by touting how we as Christians are “wrong, an abomination, blind, damned, of the devil, whores, not Christians, groveling in darkness, heathens, ignorant, devoid of fact, pagan and hatched in Hell.”

And these Mormon labels don't deserve some type of verbal "spanking" by the FR "bigot patrol?" Why not? (Unless they're just plain religious hypocrites in carrying out their "bigot patrol" preaching pledge) case this article wasn't thorough enough in what Romney's fathers think of's a primer for you to "inspire" all of us Christians to "unite" with the promotion of Mormonism for double-digit years (not only 2011-2020...but you have to fold in 2007-2008 as well):

Q 1: What did Lds “apostles” John Taylor and Orson Pratt -- Pratt being a direct ancestor of Mitt Romney -- have to say about Catholics & Protestants?
* "'The present Christian world exists and continues by division. The MYSTERY of Babylon the great, is mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, and it needs no prophetic vision, to unravel such mysteries. The old church is the mother, and the protestants are the lewd daughters. Alas! alas! what doctrine, what principle, or what scheme, in all, what prayers, what devotion, or what faith, `since the fathers have fallen asleep,' has opened the heavens; has brought men into the presence of God; and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to an innumerable company of angels? The answer is, not any: "There is none in all christendom that doeth good; no, not one."' (Lds “Apostle” John Taylor, Times and Seasons, Vol.6, No.1, p.811, Feb. 15, 1845...Taylor would later emerge as an Lds “prophet” in the late 1870s upon the death of Brigham Young...he did “jail time” with Joseph Smith over the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor newspaper)

* "Both Catholics and Protestants are nothing less than the 'whore of Babylon' whom the Lord denounces by the mouth of John the Revelator as having corrupted all the earth by their fornications and wickedness. Any person who shall be so corrupt as to receive a holy ordinance of the Gospel from the ministers of any of these apostate churches will be sent down to hell with them, unless they repent" (The Seer, p. 255).

* "But as there has been no Christian Church on the earth for a great many centuries past, until the present century, the people have lost sight of the pattern that God has given according to which the Christian Church should be established, and they have denominated a great variety of people Christian Churches, because they profess to be ...But there has been a long apostasy, during which the nations have been cursed with apostate churches in great abundance, and they are represented in the revelations of St. John as a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, having a golden cup in her hand, full of filthiness and abominations, full of the wine of the wrath of her fornication; that in her forehead there was a name written - `Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots' " (Journal of Discourses 18:172).

* "We have already proved in the previous numbers of this series that immediately after the first century the whole earth became corrupted by the great "Mother of Harlots," that apostasy and wickedness succeeded Christianity, that for the want of new revelation, all legal succession to the apostleship was discontinued that the gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit ceased and that the Church was no longer to be found on the earth: this being the case, all nations must have been destitute of the everlasting gospel for many generations - not destitute of its history as it was once preached and enjoyed but destitute of its blessings, of its powers, of its gifts, of its priesthood, of its ordinances administered by legal authority" (Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, No.6 (1851), pg.82).

Q 2: Now did Lds "apostles" John Taylor and Orson Pratt come up with applying these labels to the Catholic and Protestant Church themselves, or did they get it from LDS “Scripture?”

A Taylor and Pratt derived this at least from the Book of Mormon (especially the following verses) and likely spending a lot of direct time with Joseph Smith:
* "abominable church...whore of all the earth" (2 Nephi 28:18);
* "whore of all the earth" (2 Nephi 10:16)

* ”And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth. And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters; and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.” (1 Nephi 14:10-11)

* ”...their dominions upon the face of the earth were small because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.” (1 Nephi 14:12)

* “And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.” (1 Nephi 14:13)

* ”And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth. And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things.” (1 Nephi 14:15-16)

* ”And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.” (1 Nephi 14:17)

* “And the blood of that great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall turn upon their own heads; for they shall war among themselves, and the sword of their own hands shall fall upon their own heads, and they shall be drunken with their own blood.” (1 Nephi 22:13)

* ”And every nation which shall war against thee, O house of Israel, shall be turned one against another, and they shall fall into the pit which they digged to ensnare the people of the Lord. And all that fight against Zion shall be destroyed, and that great whore, who hath perverted the right ways of the Lord, yea, that great and abominable church, shall tumble to the dust and great shall be the fall of it.” (1 Nephi 22:14)

Q 3: Where did Mitt Romney's direct ancestor, Orson Pratt derive his concept that the “great whore” of supposed “B.C. Prophecies” in the Book of Mormon had a contemporary application to the Catholic church – and that it would be one who would give birth to "harlot daughters" (the Protestant church)?

A From Joseph Smith himself, as found in LDS "scripture" (& elsewhere). I refer the reader, for example, to "that great church, the mother of abominations" (LDS “Scripture”—Doctrine & Covenants, 88:94).

Q 4: Now did Mitt Romney's direct ancestor, Orson Pratt just happen to pounce upon gobs of passages from a few Nephi books in the Mormon “scriptures” and take them out of proportion, or was Mormon “scripture” rife with this need to pronounce the church-at-large as an “abomination” before God that was sourced in the devil?

A 1 Nephi 13, 1 Nephi 14, and 1 Nephi 22 uses the term “abomination” or “abominable” at least eight times! As previously shown, 1 Nephi 14:9-10 says there are only two churches: The church of the Lamb & the Church of the Devil. In the opinion of Mormon leaders, the church of the devil ("abominable church...whose foundation is the devil"-- 1 Nephi 14:9) – is the great non-Mormon church that branched out into Protestantism.

The King James-era word "abomination" is used repetitively to describe this non-Mormon church. 1 Nephi 13:6 & 2 Nephi 6:12 both call it a "great & abominable church." D&C 29:21 references it as an "abominable church" & D&C 88:94 calls it a "great church, the mother of abominations" (D&C 88:94). [Also, see references above to "whore...of all the earth."] 1 Nephi 13:32 accuses this church of censorship: "parts of the gospel kept back by that abominable church” (1 Nephi 13:32).

Also, the most important “abomination” Joseph Smith reference is to describe every single creed believed by Catholics and Protestants. LDS decided to enshrine Joseph Smith’s First Vision in LDS “scripture” – which means it’s binding as authoritative as LDS canon (not speculation; not commentary; not an opinion piece) upon the beliefs & consciences on ALL true-believing Mormons: "they [“Christian sects”] were ALL wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that their ALL creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were ALL corrupt" (from Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith-History 1:19).

Q 5: What leading Mormon general authority was the next to carry the mantle for portraying Christian churches as linked to Babylon?

A: That fell to Lds president George Q. Cannon. Cannon was the only member of the First Presidency to serve four separate Lds “prophets” as one of the two closest counselors to the Lds “prophet” (Taylor, Woodruff, Snow, and Joseph F. Smith). * Cannon said: "After the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, there were only two churches upon the earth. They were known respectively as the Church of the Lamb of God and Babylon. The various organizations which are called churches throughout Christendom, though differing in their creeds and organizations, have one common origin. They all belong to Babylon" (Gospel Truth, p.324).

Q 6 Since all of these authoritative Mormon directives were published before the end of the 19th century, who then carried this notorious legacy into the 20th century for Lds general authorities?

A Lds “apostle” Bruce R. McConkie, who first published his book, Mormon Doctrine, in 1958. Under the heading “Church of the Devil”, McConkie wrote: “There are two scriptural senses in which the titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used: 1. All churches or organizations of whatever name or nature—whether political, philosophical, educational, economic, social, fraternal, civic, or religious—which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God; and 2. The Roman Catholic Church specifically—singled out, set apart, described, and designated as being “most abominable above all other churches.” (1 Ne. 13:5).” (Mormon Doctrine, 1958, p. 129)

And then for the continuing and current legacy of openly slandering and bashing Christians worldwide, see next post...

99 posted on 05/02/2012 3:02:46 AM PDT by Colofornian (Mom when I grow up, I want 2B like Ike. Mom when I grow up, I want 2B a god from Kolob like Mitt.)
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To: Mozilla; Elsie; All
From the article: According to its founder, Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young, Smith’s successor, Mormons are the only true people of God on the earth. All non-Mormons and their religions are “wrong, an abomination, blind, damned, of the devil, whores, not Christians, groveling in darkness, heathens, ignorant, devoid of fact, pagan and hatched in Hell.” When Romney made a speech about his religion in 2008 he refused to distance himself from his faith and fully affirmed his Mormonism. Responding to critics, Romney said, "They would prefer it if I would simply distance myself from my religion, say that it is more a tradition than my personal conviction, or disavow one or another of its precepts. That I will not do. I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it. My faith is the faith of my fathers - I will be true to them and to my beliefs."

On my previous post, I highlighted how Romney has endorsed the "faith" of his fathers...per Romney, how he "endeavors to live by it" and "be true" to those "beliefs."

So, since Mitt wants to inspire us Christians to vote for him...wooing us...I'm reminded of that one speed-dating commercial (actually a cell phone commercial) where a woman is able to quickly research on her speedy cell phone the guy's fave pick-up lines, etc...

IOW, what Mitt might say to you face-to-face is not what Mitt's "fathers" and "fathers in the faith" have taught him through the years about us Christians.

In the previous post, I mentioned Mormon leaders' Joseph Smith, George Q. Cannon, and Bruce McConkie...and I'll cite some same & additional quotes from them below so that people can glimpse a proper "survey" of Mormon leader opinions about us...

But please read to the that you know then that these supposed "revelations from the Mormon god" aren't just applied to "yesteryear" Christians:

Joseph Smith himself:

Joseph Smith, Jr.: “…all the priests who adhere to the sectarian religions of the day with all their followers, without one exception, receive their portion with the devil and his angels.” (The Elders Journal, Joseph Smith Jr., editor, vol.1, no.4, p.60).

Late 19th century:
George Q. Cannon, member of First Presidency with four different Lds "prophets": "AFTER the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, there were only two churches upon the earth. They were known respectively as the Church of the Lamb of God and Babylon. The various organizations which are called churches throughout Christendom, though differing in their creeds and organizations, have one common origin. They all belong to Babylon" (George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truth, pg.324).

Less-than-50 years ago:

Lds "apostle" Bruce R. McConkie: McConkie says all non-Mormon churches are "...the great apostate church" [that's us -- the Christian church] "as the anti-christ...This great the church of the devil." ("Apostle" Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine p.40)

Lds "apostle" Bruce R. McConkie: "What is the church of the devil in our day, and what is the seat of her power?…It is all the systems, BOTH Christian and non-Christian, that perverted the pure and perfect gospel…. It is communism, it is Islam; it is Buddhism; it is modern Christianity in ALL its parts. It is Germany under Hitler, Russia under Stalin, and Italy under Mussolini" (Millennial Messiah, pp. 54-55).

Lds "apostle" Bruce R. McConkie: "The church of the devil is the world; it is all the carnality and evil to which fallen man is heir; it is every unholy and wicked practice; it is every false religion, every supposed system of salvation which does not actually save and exalt man in the highest heaven of the celestial world. It is EVERY CHURCH except the true church, whether parading under a Christian or a pagan banner." (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:551)

Note, per Mormon doctrine, the "only true and living church on the face of the earth" is the Mormon church (D&C 1:30).



Q How do we know that the official Lds church approves of McConkie's interpretation given above?


#1...he was an "apostle";
#2, the Doctrinal New Testament Commentary was cited by the official Mormon church as a commentary to 1 Nephi 14:10 for its widely distributed teachings of college students: The church of JC LDS: Seminaries and Institutes of Religion: Book of Mormon Student Manual: Chapter 4: 1Nephi 11–14: Notes and Commentary

* Note...McConkie's resource was also cited among study guides commonly used in the Mormon church as published by Cedar Fort out of Springville, these two 2007 books:
* Randal S. Chase, Making Precious Things Plain: A Book of Mormon Study Guide: Volume 1: 1 Nephi-Alma 16 Cedar Fort, Springville, UT, 2007 p. 40
* K. Douglas Bassett, PhD, Doctrinal Insights to the Book of Mormon: Vol. 1: 1 Nephi through 2 Nephi Cedar Fort, Springville, UT 2007, pp. 62-63

Also, less than 30 years ago -- Official Lds church magazine, Ensign:
The “man of sin,” generally equated with Satan, would exalt himself over all that is divine and assume the place of God in the Church. Of historical and theological significance is the fact that in Paul’s prophecy the church structure survives. But God is not at its head, making that church—following the appearance in it of Satan—no longer the church of God....How appropriate, therefore, is Paul’s description of him sitting in the place of God in the church of the apostasía. Kent P. Jackson, Signs of the Early Apostasy, Ensign, December 1984 Signs of the Early Apostasy

This BYU professor is commenting on 2 Thess. 2:1-12 here...which Christian commentators reference as future. Lds leaders constantly reference 2 Thess. 2:1-12 as past tense -- evidence of the great apostasy...Jackson calls it a "drastic" apostasy. Lds doctrine is that it was total or all but a handful...and those handful were never "public."

Q What other Institute teachings are there about Christians currently taught to Mormon college students:
* A universal [absolute world-wide] apostasy occurred...“ absolute apostasy of the Church...” [Lds "apostle" James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ] {See this & similar quotes here: The Apostasy [What Lds believe re: Christians: Label us 'apostates' like Islam calls us 'infidels']}

Q And what does the Lds church officially teach its high school students...?

A The “church of the devil” does not refer to a specific church but to any person, group, organization, or philosophy that works against the Church of Jesus Christ and the salvation of the children of God.
Source: Official Mormon 'Seminary' (high school) teachings on 1 Nephi 14


Bottom-line: Per Romney and the faith he has in his faith's "fathers"...
...we Christians are supposedly "the church of the devil" if we oppose Mormonism's "you-become-a-god" scheme
Remember, an Lds "apostle" said the church of the devil is:
"...EVERY supposed system of salvation which does not actually save and exalt man in the highest heaven of the celestial world." [This is Mormon godhood]...
This Lds "apostle" added that the church of the devil " EVERY CHURCH except the true church, whether parading under a Christian or a pagan banner."
Since Mormons don't recognize any other church than theirs as the "true church" (Lds Doctrine & Covenants 1:30), this is what their Book of Mormon means when they pronounce other churches as "the church of the devil" (1 Nephi 14:9-10).

So are you so-called "devil-worshiping" Christians going to vote for the man and his faith who labels you as such??? Are you going to promote and elevate this man as a political and spiritual model to your children and grandchildren?

102 posted on 05/02/2012 3:50:14 AM PDT by Colofornian (Mom when I grow up, I want 2B like Ike. Mom when I grow up, I want 2B a god from Kolob like Mitt.)
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To: Mozilla
Lies, lies, and damm lies. Out of context. stop being lazy and do REAL. investigation
124 posted on 05/02/2012 5:08:35 AM PDT by WilliamRobert
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To: Mozilla
Yeah, those darn Mormons, let's all stick with Black Liberation Theology in the White House! (irony)


162 posted on 05/02/2012 6:53:18 AM PDT by DTogo (High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
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To: Mozilla

How does this stupid shit qualify as Breaking News?

164 posted on 05/02/2012 6:56:14 AM PDT by pgkdan (ANYBODY BUT OBAMA!)
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To: Mozilla; P-Marlowe; Alamo-Girl; betty boop; LS

There is no doubt that mormonism considers historic Christian churches to be the spawn of hell, the whore of Babylon, destined for destruction.

That isn’t why I object to Romney.

I object to Romney because he’s the author of the $50 abortion, the originator of the gay marriage licence, an advocate of increased fees/taxes, an avowed opponent of the 2nd amendment, the creator of ObamaCare, a perpetrator of Medicare Fraud, a crony corporatist, and an advocate of homosexual boy scout leaders.

Mormons could hate kittens, but that isn’t important. What’s important is Romney’s history of radical liberalism, 3rd way elitism, and social corporatism.

166 posted on 05/02/2012 6:58:10 AM PDT by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! Obama Disses the Operators Who Took Out Bin Laden in Afghan!)
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