Come candidate was gone after Iowa, but we need to get behind Romney and elect him. I think if we don't -- my tagline will come true.
Is Romney my ideal choice?? HELL NO, but I know if we don't get behind ROMNEY, we will lose...and I'm not just saying lose the 2012 election...but our RIGHTS and the CONSTITUTION!!!
If we elect TEA PARTY MEMBERS for the house and SENATE, we can keep ROMNEY from raising TAXES and helping OBAMACARE stay around. We need to get the F'ing MARXIST out of the White House!!
If Romney picks Rubio, I have double the reasons NOT to vote for him. The Constitution is already being trampled; the fact that Rubio, a non-natural-born citizen, is being proposed is proof of that. Obama will trample it even more quickly after the election. Better to get it over with, than have it blamed on a Republican.