There are several issues where I do not agree with him and places he has wavered in the past, or maybe been moved by voter sentiment. As I said, he was not the candidate I favored. But, I am going to do all I can to end Obama's time in office.
I am not jumping for joy over the outcome of the primaries but, I am remembering Ronald Reagan's comment that he could always work with someone whom he agrees with 80% of the time. Regarding Obama; we agree on nothing.
I guess you missed the news about him signing the model for ObamaCare into law in Massachusetts.
“Romney believes in free economy and the enabling of American entrepreneurship.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You’ve been drinking way to much of that Romney Flavor-Aid!!!! LOL!
A hardcore Leftist believing in free economy and the enabling of American entrepreneurship is freaking illogical. If you believe that lying SOB you are more deluded than you realize. You are so lost it isn’t even funny.
But if you honestly believe him I have a bridge to sell ya in Brooklyn! I’ll make an offer you can’t refuse! LOLOLOLOLOL!