I say if that lesbo Tyrell wants to head a BOY Scout troop, more power to her...Just don’t let her near a GIRL Scout troop.....
Like you would NEVER let Bawney Fwank near a BOY Scout troop.....
Absolutely not! She's an advocate for that perverse behavior and she cannot uphold the Scout Oath and Law due to her abherrant behavior, dress and demeanor.
If any Scout were to bring up the deviancy of homosexuality during a Scout's own, do you think she'd sit there and remain silent?
She's an agitator, she knew the rules about homosexuality in Scouting and yet now she's complaining about them being enforced.
Nope, no way, no how.
When your Boy Scout comes home wearing a pink tutu and wanting to "live as a woman" after getting some lesbo counseling, I'm sure you'll have no problem. You may laugh, but there are plenty of examples of young boys raised by lesbians who corrupted them into a transgendered or other perverted lifestyle.