> So some Policy Wonk in size five black wings tips is going
> to show the 4-H club how its done?!
Look for the metrosexual queens to try to modify the focus and compass of 4-H in the coming years.
Remember, these fairies have jack-booted thugs from Treasury Dept. to do their bidding.
We have a small farm where our kids work, too. We will not comply. Neither will our neighbors. None of us will rat out any of the others.
If the fairies come with their thugs, it’s a signal to me that America is fallen, and we need to seek another home.
“Look for the metrosexual queens to try to modify the focus and compass of 4-H in the coming years.”
It’s already happening, lots of USDA cash that was for 4H is going for “harm reduction” and “youth at risk” programs.