Using your link it looks like Windows 7 is more safe than OSX.
it states that 4 in 1000 win7 machines have malware or 0.4% According to the article above 2.7% Macs have mac malware.
Thanks for confirming that windows 7 is safer than OSX.
I do not own a Mac. Never have, but my next PC will be a Mac. I own 3 PC’s at home, and have built my own systems for decades. I use Windows at home, at work and also write some code and design hardware/software solutions as part of my job. I like to think of myself as not really having a dog in this race.
I do think that a great deal of Mac users are ASSUMING that OSX will protect them, and there is a deal of work, advertizing and articles to support that feeling. OSX is based upon the Darwin Kernal, which is a full blown UNIX derivitive. UNIX is and has always been the most stable and secure OS out there. So, OS X gets a lot of inheret security from it’s ancestry.
But, that said ... I would never encourage anyone to depend solely upon their OS for security from malware. Mac, Linux, Windows, Ubuntu, BeOS ... everyone should have something to protect them, because even *if* your OS is secure and safe, 3rd party add-ons are usually full of security holes. I offer Java and Adobe Flash as prime examples of security violations that are waiting to infect the unprepared (and unpatched).
Is one better than the other (Mac vs Windows)? Depends upon your usage model. Want to throw together movies, build a scrapbook, edit pictures with minimal effort and maximum results .... Apple.
Want to write some software to control a factory? Into hardcore gaming? Want a plethora of free software that will do what you need done, cheap or free? Windows.
But, it really boils down to what you know, what you are comfortable with, and what you want out of your computer. Down, dirty and cheap - Windows. Simple, Elegant and Quick - Apple. If you haven’t played with iMovie or iPhoto - these will prove my point quite nicely.
Why will my next PC be a Mac? Because, for what I want to do at home, the Mac does it best. I have a laptop for productivity, coding and design. But, for making quick movies of my travels, my grandkids, for home networking and seamless tie-ins to my various consoles; the Mac Mini fits the bill pefectly.