Readin’s fo’ rich folks.
I don't find that hard to believe at all.
We must coddle his aggrieved at the detriment of those at risk.
“The complaint said use of the tests “has resulted in a disparate impact upon black candidates” because African-Americans pass the examinations at significantly lower rates than white candidates.”
wow....just wow.
This makes it seem as though blacks are not intelligent enough to pass tests. Is this what those firefighters want?
Had an uncle in the Seattle Fire Department years ago who consistenly scored in the top five on all promotional tests (which were ALL about management, strategies and firefighting skills).
But, time after time, he was passed over for a less qualified minority/female applicant, who had usually scored somewhere in the 60th percentile. Sure made me feel safer knowing that people who could barely pass the exams were in charge if I ever had an emergency - NOT
Isn’t this kind of case what got the “wise Latina” in so much trouble? And didn’t the Supremes knock down her ruling 9-0?
Discrimination is discrimination folks - doesn’t matter which way it goes!
I am 100% sure that Benjamin Crump would also not pass these tests...unless the questions were in Ebonics!
As always, I wonder how many of the white firefighters voted for the communist piece of sh** Ubama?
And how many will vote for him again?
You know, I might also have a case. I have been discriminated against and excluded from playing in the major leagues because I can’t hit or field as well as those who those who were given contracts.
Does it discriminate Chinese Americans, Mexican Americans, Croatian Americans, Pakistani Americans, Arab Americans, Persian Americans?????
Alinsky's second chapter, called Of Means and Ends, craftily poses many difficult moral dilemmas, and his 'tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends' is: 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.' He doesn't ignore traditional moral standards or dismiss them as unnecessary. He is much more devious; he teaches his followers that 'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...
"'The organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems,' and 'organizations must be based on many issues.' The organizer 'must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.'"
absolutely what typifies what we are against: a govt who opposes success.
Yeah, let’s lower the bar and pump most of the water out of the bay, and lower all of the boats/ships, to make it “equal & fair”. More racist bullcrap to achieve “equal outcome” based on melanin.
Puke. Spit.
The US Dept of INJustice is a corrupt, criminal enterprise.
How is a written test discriminatory? Reading would seem to be a fundamental job skill. These guys are supposed to study training material, operators manuals for the gear they have, maybe read accounts of tactics in fighting fires, operations plans for coordinating with other companies for large fires, working with other agencies in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. I’m sorry, not everything in this life can be dumbed-down to a two minute MTV video. You have got to stay current in whatever field you are in. Chances are that means you’ve got to read.
There is a reason that at every turn the race baiters have attacked written tests as racist and have systematically purged all forms of testing (especially IQ testing) from companies and government as a means of hiring and promotions. It’s because blacks are about 1 standard deviation lower than whites in intelligence and the only way you can achieve equality of out come is to ignore merit based hiring and promotions.
You can cry racist all day long about the above statement but when you get to areas of endeavor that are purely merit based the results speak for themselves. Look at the racial distribution of chess masters, or quantum physicists or any other area where raw brain power is the only entrance requirement and you’ll see what I mean. That’s also not to say that whites are at the top of the heap, Jews are about 1.5 standard deviations above whites in intelligence and Chinese/Indians are about 1/2 a standard deviation above whites. You’ll also notice that women will have a different distribution than men (although the mean may be the same) with men having a wider distribution than women which means that much more men will be at both the very top end and bottom end than women, which is again the case for these top end endeavors.
So unless you show me proof (like a video of some union thug slipping whitey the test answers) this is just the race hustling pimps at it again to the detriment of our safety in this case as if they have their way you will end up with unqualified guys/gals in positions that could get people killed. But that’s nothing new as they’ve been shoving women into the fire department based on nothing other than they are women, even though physically they are not qualified to do the job. I would rather see blacks hired as firemen than women even though they may not be qualified to move up the ranks as physically they can do the job whereas women cannot.
Wait. Wait just a frickin second. The basis of the lawsuit is you failed to help me cheat as you did with the others? Is that the argument here?? You not just failed to let me cheat, you failed to help me cheat?
Good Lord, help us!
It is also interesting that the Justice Department's problem with the process is that the written test is discriminatory simply based on it being a written test.