Well, it looks like the State of Florida is going full-speed ahead with this trial.
So much for delaying it until after the November elections.
It’s all over Twitter.
I just saw this:
“Nice to see how our public schools have failed us. Evidence: George Zimmerman tweets. People are completely illiterate #zimmerman “
Boy they must really be anxious to railroad this HISPANIC man!
You would think Hispanics would get mad!
(I am NOT fooled by the ‘Republican’ prosecutor either- she is too stupid to be a Republican. No self-respecting republican would use the phrase “he profiled Trayvon” seriously
I sure don’t see any documents at the link. Am I missing something?
If you don’t want to make you blood boil, don’t read this one:
It’s the state (i.e. Angela Corey) response to the simple request to appear in civilian clothes rather than prison garb.
Grrrrrrrr! What a PIG. (That’s not my first choice of epithets but I don’t want to get banned for life.)
The big news is that O'Mara will have all the state's evidence by this Friday, April 27. From there he has the information he needs to compose a Motion for Immunity, and a Motion to dismiss because the allegations don't support the Murder charge.
I knew, a few days ago (Friday or Saturday) that arraignment had been rescheduled from May 29 to May 8. That was apparent from the Court docket. But Zimmerman has waived appearance at the arraignment, so no media circus there.
O'Mara really sandbagged the press. he told them that he wouldn't have the state's information until mid-June, etc. Hahahahahaha.
If anything, this will help deflate the race-baiters' wild claims of Zimmerman's "violent" past. An open-handed smack on his girlfriends' mouth ... after she smacked his mouth? Yeah, that's real, OJ-style domestic violence. /s
Nobody wants to be a part of this hot potato.
Hang his Tea Party cracka azz,,,white hispanic cracka, Repub,,,Democratic cracka azz,,,, aw damn, jest hang ‘im.
Giving his lawyer less time to prepare for an immunity hearing should he choose to request one.