I was never a racist before Obama. But the hate I hear spouted at me, because of the color of my skin, by black people, since his election, I now am a full-on racist.
In fact, as someone once said, "We're gonna need a bigger boat."
I'm hearing that more and more these days. He's started something that he may not like how it ends.
Becoming aware of the hatred blacks hold toward whites doesn’t make you a racist, Laz....just a realist.
Can I deduce from your comment that you indeed would not, “hit it”?
Try reading Enoch Powell’s “Rive of Blood” speech I just posted:
And here is a comment by Smokin’ Joe I just read:
>>> Typically, when Negroes riot, they destroy their own communities.<<<<
This has usually been the case. However, under the present circumstances and the pass the NBP have gotten over voter intimidation and now the bounty offered for Zimmerman, I would not rely on the old paradigm holding.
Consider that one of the ‘old’ Black Panthers (Formerly H. ‘Rap” Brown) had the number two fellow at AlQaida (Anwar Alaqui) speak at a rally for ‘Justice for Imam Jamil al-Jamin (Rap Brown’s new, improved, islamic moniker)’ at UC Irvine on Sept 9, 2001 (5:30 PM at the Bren Events Center).
There are connections, however tenuous, between the Black Panthers and AlQaida.
I am of the belief that not all the siphoned money from Community Agencies and other sources (possibly billions of dollars) has gone to ‘community development’, and that quite possibly not all of the run on firearms and ammunition has been from palefaced Conservatives making purchases.
This is no call for aggression, merely awareness, preparedness, and being ready to defend whatever you have that needs to be defended, wherever it may be.
Complacency is not an action plan if things get nasty.
Hey Laz, reference your tag line, are you referring to fossil fuels or neighborhood militia?
I'm not sure what full on means, but since obama has stirred the hate America, hate the Constitution, hate the rich, white, Jew bastard banker, wall street hustler, married {woman to a man} white people, it has become impossible to look at people and not notice their skin.
If 90% + of black people vote for obama and then say it's because he is black, what conclusion, other than they are racist can we draw?
This victim mentality that many blacks have been taught is self destruction, and it will end up causing a race war that blacks will lose.
This is not the 1960s and too many white people have guns and the attitude that they have seen enough, bent enough and refuse to take a single step back.
That is why George Zimmerman is being pilloried by the left and the right wants to get the facts out.
No more affirmative action juries that pass the buck because of white guilt over slavery.
Mo more race riots that allow roaming bands of black thugs burn and steal without immediate and final repercussions.