No, it’s just the wheels coming off big government’s wagon. Train wreck ahead.
It’s going to end in Hell.
Even if Obama is defeated in November, does anyone think he’s just going to go quietly into the night come January?
I know I don’t.
by mean like Cloward-Piven?
Your falling into the “we’re doomed, things are out of control!” mindset. There is always scandals going on. The government has been corrupt forever (and to some extent, always will be). There will always be outrages to fill the news cycle. If there aren’t some obvious ones, the media will go find them. It is a big country and a big world, things that would infuriate you are happening all the time. The only difference now is we see almost every news event instantly - and we see stuff now we’d never have even known about before.
Crime rates in the US, for example, have been generally declining for 20 years, yet the average person tends to think violence and crime are worse than ever. The reason is because we see everything now - and we see it almost instantly.
Welcome to FR and thoughts?
Where’s our country headed? Thoughts? oh yeah.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told ya tho.. it’s an inside job tho.
Even George Snorey can’t misread the writings on the cosmic display.
In the mean time, Invest in lead and antacids .. just in case.
Yes, I agree, but it is an election year and “things” seem to be enhanced during that time.
There are no coincidences in the world of politics... NONE!!!
we are in for melt down led by the obamma government, they are arming their forces with our money, they a faking elections, they are above the law and simply do not reply, all the situations are there to give the people a “practical” reason for Obamma to take over , let’s face it, if he gets in again whether its by faking the election or coup, this country is toast, God help those who love Jesus name..
Notice no articles about the failing economy, gasoline prices, US debt, and constant printing of money.
I find nothing unusual at all about a president eating a dog. The police shoot them all the time after all.
why is this in breaking news?
See, I remember the 1970's. Things were INSANE. There was a gas shortage. A malaise descended over America. The President was attacked by a BUNNY. Silver suddenly went up 20 times in price.
See, I remember the 1980's. Things were INSANE! This weird Punk movement started, with people piercing and mohawks everywhere. A flight with a US CONGRESSMAN was downed by the Soviets. A space shuttle plumb BLEW UP almost on the launchpad!
See, I remember the 1990's. Things were INSANE! This crazy INTERNET thing started. Presidents were getting head in the oval office. There were condoms on the White House Christmas tree. North Korea had nukes all of a sudden.
Same old same old, bro. Things are always crazy.
Remarks of Tony Snow
"I come not to bury journalism, but to celebrate and challenge it. It's a cliche that every crisis presents an opportunity, but it's true: The democratization of the media is a good thing. We now face competition from all quarters - including from people who have specialized expertise that journalists lack. We ought to welcome the new participants in the game and learn from them. They should do the same with us. Theres an old boast in the business - that the job of a journalist is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The thing is, we never realized that we were becoming The Comfortable - with good pay, job security, and access to movers and shakers all around the world. We need to cast off our coziness, venture away from safe stories and presumptions and into the wilderness of new topics, new ideas and new sources of information. In that quest lies the possibility of fulfillment and joy - and the hope of keeping alive the text and the spirit of the First Amendment."
Do you believe that America is a seething cesspool of filth and corruption? If not, you might change your mind after reading this article. Sadly, the truth is that the United States is absolutely corrupt to the core. This is true from the very top of our society all the way to the very bottom.
The current occupant of the White House will likely go down in history as the most corrupt president in history, and that is really saying something. Almost every single day he adds something new to his list of corrupt deeds. He is a con man that deserves to be impeached for a whole host of reasons, but that will never happen because we have a Congress that is also deeply corrupt. But it is not just our politicians that are corrupt.
Even the men that are supposed to be in charge of protecting the president are corrupt. A whole bunch of them were recently discovered sleeping with prostitutes in Colombia. We also find very deep and very pervasive corruption in our financial institutions, in our judicial system, in our police departments and in our religious institutions.
It is almost as if nearly the entire nation is saturated with filth and depravity. It is becoming harder and harder to find men and women of integrity, and our young people have very few positive role models to look up to. How long is our society going to be able to continue to function normally if all of this corruption gets even worse?
The following are 25 signs that America is a seething cesspool of filth and corruption....
--...Given the fact that the same bill also includes a controversial provision that would empower the IRS to revoke passports of citizens merely accused of owing over $50,000 in back taxes, stripping them of their mobility rights, could the mandatory black boxes or a similar technology be used for the same purpose?..
add this to the increase in monitoring and spying on us....drones, cell phones and Internet tracking
I don’t think it is planned chaos. I think it is a manifestion of the most criminally corrupt and gangster government of the US ever. They are illegitimate and they are communists out to ruin the United States.
All those Obama admin clowns have been behaving like sleazy clowns in Columbia and at home. They are an embarrassment and should be impeached and thrown out.
They do this stuff with an arrogance that is breathtaking. They do it because they can. What is anyone going to do about it? Nothing, zip, nada.
Why we are putting up with this crap is beyond me.
Agitation by design. I get this mental picture of a person getting ready to be burned at the stake and the savages are doing their dance to the beat of the drums. The drum beating and the dancing is getting louder and louder. The person who is holding the torch is waiting for their sign to let it burn.
I’m just waiting to see who is about to get burned on that stake.
Agitation by design. I get this mental picture of a person getting ready to be burned at the stake and the savages are doing their dance to the beat of the drums. The drum beating and the dancing is getting louder and louder. The person who is holding the torch is waiting for their sign to let it burn.
I’m just waiting to see who is about to get burned on that stake.
I think the government is increasingly lawless but as they grab more and more control they have less need to hide the lawlessness because they know we won’t do anything about it anyway.
Rush Limbaugh says he got a message on his iPad screen (?) saying that Obama’s minions are in control and nobody can do anything about it.
That’s exactly the kind of mind game they are playing with all of us.
When Obama was first elected I couldn’t count how many people said that Obama’s eligibility problem had to be a flake conspiracy theory because the government would have checked out Obama and stopped him if there was a problem.
Not very many people are saying that any more. Just the people in the media who have been threatened into saying it.
The rest of us have watched the takeovers, the czars, the “deem and pass” garbage, the illegal firing of inspectors general, the stealing of secured investors’ assets and handing them over to unions instead, SCOTUS judges refusing to recuse themselves even when their job is the issue to be decided, the “loans” to Obama donors who then file bankruptcy and keep the “loan money”, Fast and Furious arming of the drug cartels, the Clarence Dupniks claiming Sarah Palin (basically) shot Gabby Giffords, the forced open border even while druglords are beheading people on our border, the refusal to prosecute Eric Holder’s “people”, the judges ruling that Obama is eligible to be on the ballots even though there is no proof of age, residency, or natural born citizenship, the evidence that somebody at the Selective Service Administration forged a draft registration for Obama and that the BC Obama presented was a forgery and fraud and yet nobody in the federal or Hawaii government would do anything about it (which is misprision of those felonies), the refusals to condemn the threats of the New Black Panthers, the Cold Case Posse confirming that the FCC and FTC were used as weapons by which Obama’s people threatened the media into silence about his eligibility problem...
Is there anybody left who really believes that the government would have stopped Obama if it was known that he was ineligible? What we have seen is that government at all levels has sunk to the level of Chicago.
We’ve told our Congress-critters about it. They’ve held hearings where subpoenas are ignored and/or witnesses have perjured themselves, and nothing ever happens to the people who commit blatant crimes right in front of the committee!
At one point Obama/Soros would have been worried about corruption and incompetence being known. But now they’re not worried about it at all, because the more the corruption and incompetence are known and nothing happens, the more we the people are demoralized into believing we can’t do anything to change anything.
Just like the message to Rush Limbaugh said.
Obama has had 3 years to take over complete control of everything. He’s like the 9’ tall basketball player who holds the ball out in front of everybody while they yap at it like dogs, knowing they can never reach it.
That’s the point of having Mitt Romney as the R candidate also - and why they are trying so hard to make it seem that Gingrich is out of the picture. Soros has said that it makes no difference whether Romney wins, or Obama, because they are the same thing. It’s that demoralization. The one thing Soros/Obama still need to accomplish before the final coup is to get the people to not fight back. Americans are armed, and an armed people may fight back, come revolution time. He can either try to get rid of our guns, or get rid of our will. He’s currently working on both. The blatant lawlessness is to demoralize us.
And unless we unify and take back the rule of law, these evil plans will be successful.