Romney and his Mormonites/Goper's/Obamnites were all behind taking our candidates out...but Romney tops them all. HE couldn't run on his own, had nothing of substance to say and won't fight. So as is his custom, and brain-washed to operate so, most is done hidden and behind the scenes by others "hidden" and operating on his behalf...with the idea that if all our candidates could be made to look unelectable then Romney would be left standing by default.
Newt was the cog in their wheel and why the axe came down from every direction to take Newt out....He still stands but without the support needed to win this as people are swallowing the media's push for Romney.....Newt's still blacked-out. Unless one of the MSM networks open and let Newt be heard then it's going to be tough for Newt to gain the states he needs for convention.
I soooo want to believe different...but the only hope we have is if a network opens up.....or theirs' enough internet push to get the word out.
Not too late for God to open the Red Sea....time will certainly tell.