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Free Republic Shows Us How To Give Obama Another 4 Years ( LOL Alert) ^ | April 14, 2012 | HAP

Posted on 04/14/2012 10:23:11 PM PDT by Para-Ord.45

I've never seen anything close to the hatred of Mitt Romney than I see at FR. The hatred exceeds anything I've seen or heard from Debbie Wasserman Schultz, David Axelrod, David Plouffe or anybody else in the Obama Administration. Most of the people who can't stand Romney on our side say he'd still be much better than another 4 years of Barack Obama who will never have to face the voters again. You won't find that at FR.

Free Republic Jim Robinson: "A reminder for those who are not receiving the message:

Romney is a pathological compulsive liar. Lie after lie papered over with more lies. Doesn’t even flinch when caught in bald faced lies, simply tells another big whopper to cover up or dodge the issue. Funny thing, the man actually seems to believe his own latest lies and simply ignores the glaring record of his past actions/lies. And you have true blue establishment elite RINO Republicans like Karl Rove enabling and backing up his lies. Their motivation is simply to hang on to power (and riches) any way they can.

I’ve stated many times since Romney started running for the presidency way back when that I’d never vote for him and I will not. He cannot lie his way out of his decades long record of support for abortion, Roe v Wade, planned parenthood, gay rights, gun control, global warming, amnesty, liberal judges, big government, compulsory or socialized health care (RomneyCommieCare), mandates, Keynesian economics, support and approval of TARP, bailouts, stimulus packages, i.e, every damn liberal progressive issue that comes down the pike.

Screw Romney!! I absolutely will not support or vote for a proven compulsive liar with a known record of abortion and big government socialism, liberal appointments"

Another post (Jim Robinson):

Way to tell 'em! Then on the morning of November 7th, when Barack Obama has been reelected President for a second term, we all can high-five each other and say we stopped that establishment RINO! Makes ZERO sense. .

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2012election; bloggersandpersonal; freerepublic; freerepublichistory; gingrich; jimrobinson; sourcetitlenoturl
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To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
So what’s your plan to get Obama out of the White House? If you have no plan, quit attacking those who do.

You're not listening, are you? The majority of us are telling you as loudly as we can, that this thing isn't over. There's still a real conservative in the race.

Throwing your support to Romney is foolish at best, and suicidal at worst. Romney isn't a 'solution' to Obama. He's Obama's near-identical twin, and will bring more harm to us because the right will react to his Socialist agenda the same way you're reacting to him now. They'll welcome it with open arms.

321 posted on 04/16/2012 7:43:38 AM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: FReepers
Wear out those printers !

(click for larger versions)

322 posted on 04/16/2012 7:51:30 AM PDT by tomkat ( Newt / Sarah)
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To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears

I want a conservative in office. I’m not going to settle for another socialist just because he has an R behind his name.

Conservatives typically don’t support candidates who support global warming, socialized healthcare, gun control, Planned Parenthood, abortion, liberal judges, etc. That rules out Romney.

Sounds like you would vote for anyone the GOP-e tells you to. Good luck with that.

323 posted on 04/16/2012 8:06:47 AM PDT by vmivol00 (I won't be reconstructed.)
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Click his tootsies!

Viking Kitty is calling for monthly donors!
Donate monthly and help to end FReepathons

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324 posted on 04/16/2012 8:11:04 AM PDT by TheOldLady (FReepmail me to get ON or OFF the ZOT LIGHTNING ping list)
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To: KJC1
Newt is still in the race.


Newt is the face of the rebellion against the Mitt pushing media and GOP that say this race is all over.

All for a candidate that has 41% of the vote so far, and less than half the required delegates. But it is over, right?

We have the chance to stop the Mitt Madness in its tracks.Ignore the naysayers,nad support Newt right now, and vote for him if your state has not held its primary.

Before we have the Mitt v. Obama conversation, as conservative, we need to back the last conservative standing,warts and all, in order to prevent Willard from getting all of the 1144 delegates before Tampa.

Right now, we have no shot in influencing the GOP or the platform. Sending Newt to Tampa opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. Is that worth $ 10 or $ 25 to you? .

325 posted on 04/16/2012 8:56:56 AM PDT by exit82 (Democrats are the enemies of freedom. Be Andrew Breitbart.)
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To: Windflier

>> You’re all too eagerly rolling over for evil, just as Levin and other weaklings are doing.

People like you disgust me. You stand for nothing, so you’ll fall for anything.<<

It’s called LESSER of two evils, genius. Mark Levin has spent more time than most exposing Romney’s non-conservatism. But he isn’t an idiot, like those nitwits who prefer an Obama presidency.

Continue on with your shrieking and hysterics.

326 posted on 04/16/2012 9:45:37 AM PDT by Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears (Anyone who thinks we can sit home, then survive four more years of Obama, is a damned fool.)
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To: Windflier

You disgust him, DNMFOHE.

Just like Cheney and Mark Levin disgust him, or any conservative who wants Obama out of the White House, whatever it takes.

Looks like you’re in good company. Wear it as a badge of honor.

Windflier will be parading around the day after the election, gloating, when Obama is free to put the final nail in America’s coffin, because he stayed home and allowed it to happen while demonizing those who tried to prevent it.

327 posted on 04/16/2012 10:05:44 AM PDT by DC Ripper (Anyone who thinks America can survive four more years of Obama is a fool.)
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To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears

Amended and made your tagline more family-friendly, hope u don’t mind.

328 posted on 04/16/2012 10:07:01 AM PDT by DC Ripper (Anyone who thinks America can survive four more years of Obama is a fool.)
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To: DC Ripper
Windflier will be parading around the day after the election, gloating, when Obama is free to put the final nail in America’s coffin, because he stayed home and allowed it to happen while demonizing those who tried to prevent it.

You sound like a small child who's got their fingers in their ears - pretending that they don't hear the other person speaking.

I've said over and over that the nominating contest is NOT over, and that a real conservative is still available to be nominated by we conservatives, IF we've got the good sense to push him over the finish line.

Why you and others are rolling over for a demonstrated LIBERAL, when there's a clear conservative choice still in the race, is completely beyond me.

Secondly, if you really believe that Romney is going to govern like a conservative, or even a moderate, you've got another think coming. He'll do nothing of the sort. He's not going to roll back the Democrats' Communist agenda, nor is he going to slow down any of Obama's crippling initiatives. Review his actual record, if you don't believe me.

Or, you can just keep your fingers in your ears.

You're selling your soul to the devil out of fear, as far as I can tell. You're tossing your core values into the toilet for naught, and it's you who will bemoan what you've done, if that snake ever takes office.

329 posted on 04/16/2012 10:47:45 AM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
It’s called LESSER of two evils, genius.

Which means what, exactly? That I should willingly choose EVIL instead of sticking by the principles that made this a free country? That's a capitulation that will cause far greater harm in the future than you're apparently grasping.

Surrender your core principles now, and you've surrendered them forever. Romney has already demonstrated (by his documented record) that he's as much a liberal as Obama is, yet there you sit, demanding that those of us who give a damn about this nation forget all that, and support him anyway, simply because he calls himself a Republican.

Do you not understand the potential dynamics at work here? Who do you think a Republican dominated Congress is more likely to oppose - a liberal Democrat president, or a liberal Republican president? Who do you think the American people are most likely going to put up a fight against?

George W Bush gave the Dems nearly everything they wanted, and they walked on him like a rug. His many capitulations to the left gave us Obama. Romney would bend even further, and do FAR more damage to the country AND to the cause of conservatism.

330 posted on 04/16/2012 11:14:26 AM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: Windflier

Well, when you get your wish and Obama wins his second term, you can tell your great grandchildren what a frickin genius you were by doing nothing to prevent it.

On another note, why don’t you quit your lying about Dick Cheney and Mark Levin? They are not traitors or weaklings. They are not idiots who prefer Obama to Romney, unlike you.

331 posted on 04/16/2012 11:42:04 AM PDT by Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears (Anyone who thinks we can sit home, then survive four more years of Obama, is a damned fool.)
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To: Windflier

As soon as you have done 1/1,000,000,000th as much for conservatism as either Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin or Dick Cheney, let us know , will you?

332 posted on 04/16/2012 11:45:06 AM PDT by Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears (Anyone who thinks we can sit home, then survive four more years of Obama, is a damned fool.)
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To: KJC1
Newt is still in the race.

And if he's lucky, he just may come in ahead of Ron Paul in the upcoming primaries. Reality Check!

333 posted on 04/16/2012 11:45:25 AM PDT by jersey117 (The Stepford Media should be sued for malpractice)
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To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
“Those that would vote for Romney are blinded by their collective hate for the Kenyan.
They would gain nothing and possibly lose everything by allowing Romney the office.

He is the Julia Gillard for the US.

His principles are vacuous, ergo, a man without a conscience. Both the Kenyan and Romney are products of pagan ideology. Both undermine this countries principles. Let us pray for an open convention. In fact, let us work to open it.”

Note this and previous posts.

Those that disagree with us about Romney, like cowards, invoke the Kenyan’s name.......your ignorance is appalling.

We need an open convention.

Romney is a socialist....look at his track record.

You are blinded by your hate. Your walking backwards into a hole.

334 posted on 04/16/2012 3:19:39 PM PDT by Puckster
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