To: 2LT Radix jr; acad1228; AirForceMom; AliVeritas; aomagrat; ariamne; armyavonlady; austingirl; ...
Welcome Troops, Veterans, Families, and Allies!
Music posted for your enjoyment. Thank you for serving our country.
Thanks, unique, for the music dudes.
Parents, you are responsible for previewing.
The Eagles ~ Hotel California
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FReepmail Kathy In Alaska
167 posted on
04/13/2012 9:42:05 PM PDT by
Kathy in Alaska
((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Kathy in Alaska; mylife; TheMom; Stoat; West Texas Chuck; Allegra; Tony Snow; BKO; COB1; Eaker; ...
175 posted on
04/13/2012 10:06:40 PM PDT by
Liberty Valance
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