“It is time for Christians to band together and look out for our own. We need to evangelize the works of Jesus while at the same time working to promote those who share our values. We need to only hire, do business with, and promote to positions of power other Christians.”
Patrick Buchanan has been saying this for years. To great vilification from ...ahem....many sides, of course.
Play the same nepotism game that religious, ethnic and racial “minorities” have been engaged in for decades.
Easier said than done.
Obama claims to be a Christian as do most elected officials but once elected they frequently vote against Christian values.
Plenty of business persons also go to church regularly and still will do nothing to promote or express Christianity in their daily business.
I agree Christians should do what they can to promote fellow Christians in politics and business but I do not hold any illusions that it will have immediate effects. It will take more than a generation to bear fruit in my opinion.