While I agree that the charges are "irresponsible" I frankly think that Corey knew that if she didn't bring the charge of "Murder" that not only would her career have been in jeopardy, but also her life. This lynch mob would not have been satisfied with a manslaughter charge. They want Zimmerman's blood and they will not be satisified until he is in prison or dead and anyone who stands in the way of this mob had better watch their backs.
I have been studying law for 30 years and I have never seen such overcharging on such flimsy evidence. Perhaps the Duke LaCrosse case exceeds this one, but not by much.
Dershowitz is right. The charges are irresponsible and unethical. The question is will the trial judge throw the book at Corey or at Zimmerman? If he values his life, he will just let the injustice ride. If the judge is reasonable and brave, he or she will toss the indictment out with the evening trash. This is garbage.
If there is a conviction you can bet your bottom dollar that Dershowitz will handle the appeal. He likes to win. Winning raises his fee on hard cases. This one will be a walk in the park.
perhaps she overcharged because losing would be justice
She gets to claim a murder charge
She gets to have a trial
he gets to be acquitted
time gets to pass
He’s obviously going to have to move to another part of the country and change identity.
What is the timeline for all this?
If the judge was going to throw it out, when would that happen?
If the judge doesn’t throw it out, how long would it take to get a jury together and start the trial? Would you assume that the defense would use procedural maneuvers if necessary to ensure that the trial would be after the election?
I do believe there is an agenda by the Obama people. They want race riots - or at least want it to appear that they can call for race riots and get them whenever they so desire. It makes it easier to control powerful people if they think you’ve got an ace card like that.
Angela Corey may have her reasons for doing this, and it could be her own political gain/protection or it could be to calm things down from the boiling point so that reason and the facts can eventually prevail.
But the Obama people also have their reasons to pressure for various things, and if a judge throws this out it will provide the perfect excuse for race riots. The question is whether the timing of it would serve their purposes.