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1 posted on 04/10/2012 11:10:48 AM PDT by Spunky
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To: Spunky
Newest Rasmussen Poll Has Santorum Leading in Pennsylvania
47 posted on 04/10/2012 11:39:19 AM PDT by Brown Deer (Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)
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To: Spunky

I am really sad.

Thanks for trying, Rick.


50 posted on 04/10/2012 11:39:30 AM PDT by Yaelle (Um, go Romney? I guess?)
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To: Spunky

Personal thanks to Lazlo in Pa, Antoninus, Steelfish, Mountain Mary, cripplecreek, American in Tokyo, Yaelle, and all the other Santorum supporters. Thanks.

56 posted on 04/10/2012 11:43:30 AM PDT by Engraved-on-His-hands (Mitt Romney is a handbasket driver. I refuse to ride.)
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To: Spunky

This means either:

1) Obama wins. Or,

2) The onerous Romney wins, fouls up horribly, cements the liberal socialist agenda in Washington, captains the economy as it collapses, guaranteeing that the Democrats will rule for another 50 years, assuming the United States itself does not collapse from its top-heavy, inefficient and totalitarian government.

In both cases, the conservative Supreme Court is lost, America’s status as an economic and military superpower is over, internationalism will cause massive deprivation and suffering, our Bill of Rights will be forgotten and we will be subjected to East Germany quality nanny-statism.

The parts of our economy that could succeed will be suppressed, we will have massive and unpopular social change foisted on us, ignorant and fatalistic pseudo-scientists will finally get a ruinous chance to lord it over us with fantasies like population control and MMGW, and Agenda 21 will try to force all Americans into giant metropolises on the coasts, so that the heartland will be depopulated.

The very young will either be aborted or raised in government controlled stalls like farm animals, and anyone over the age of 60 will be put down as “obsolete”. Death will be king.

Our allies will fall like dominoes before assorted tyrants, and millions of innocent people will be enslaved or die.

Congratulations, Republican leaders. This is what you wanted. This is what you craved. This is what you paid for and forced. And this is why you struggled so hard against the conservatives that wanted to stop this.

You won. America lost. Hopefully America will be remembered as a place that was once great, like Atlantis, a wonderful place full of dynamic people that the oppressed people of the world could have looked at with hope, that they might someday live like that, in freedom and liberty.

And hopefully, people like you will be remembered for ruining it, both directly and in complicity with the forces of evil and despair. That your names be cursed until they are forgotten, and your offspring live as castrated chattel.

You won.

58 posted on 04/10/2012 11:44:03 AM PDT by yefragetuwrabrumuy ("It is already like a government job," he said, "but with goats." -- Iranian goat smuggler)
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To: Spunky

It’ll be fun to watch everyone who has excoriated social conservatives and Santorum supporters on this site for the last three months now try to convince us to support Newt.

62 posted on 04/10/2012 11:45:19 AM PDT by Colonel_Flagg (There will be no vote for Myth Romney in my house. Period.)
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To: Spunky

So Saintorum “takes one for the team”. The question remains, for which team?

Fox-Romney News is already talking about how he will soon get behind Romney.

Will he now support RINO Romney, as he has done in the past? OR, at this 11th hour, will he support the real conservative, Newt Gingrich?

80 posted on 04/10/2012 11:58:21 AM PDT by Gator113 (***YOU GAVE it to Obama. I would have voted for NEWT.~Just livin' life, my way~)
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To: Spunky

Time to circle the wagons.

88 posted on 04/10/2012 12:10:12 PM PDT by Carriage Hill (I'd vote for a "orange juice can", before 0bummer&HisRegimeFromHell, gets another 4yrs. Can-> later.)
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To: Spunky

GOod. Now people can vote for Gingrich instead. Beat the tar out of Mitt The White Obama.

93 posted on 04/10/2012 12:14:17 PM PDT by little jeremiah (We will have to go through hell to get out of hell. Signed, a fanatic)
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To: Spunky

Shouldn’t Ricky have dropped out before he creamed Gingrich’s chances?

95 posted on 04/10/2012 12:15:48 PM PDT by FastCoyote (I am intolerant of the intolerable.)
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To: Spunky


98 posted on 04/10/2012 12:18:14 PM PDT by HKMk23 ("Listen to me very carefully, do not put the candle back.")
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To: Spunky

Time to hibernate. Welcome to pure socialism. Hope the starving neighbors don’t wake me up in the middle of the night. Wonder if Siberia has got the Climat Change notice yet.

115 posted on 04/10/2012 12:37:46 PM PDT by Karliner ( Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28, Romans 8:38"...this is the end of the beginning."WC)
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To: Spunky

OK, I’ll do it:

Santorum is one cowardly bastard for calling it NOW and NOT aftat the convention.

Even if he’d have gone and won in PA and then quit, I’d have a lot more respect for him than I do now, because what he did today was more cravenly political than anything I’ve seen out of Romney so far.

Here’s why - Had Santorum stayed in and LOST PA, he’d be done politically. But, here’s what both Santorum and Romney both know - If Romney’s pink, Santorum’s just a shade lighter.

All of this is kabuki, and frankly, the only guy I have any respect for is Gingrich. Had Santorum stayed and fought, they may have had enough delegates in there to throw it to a conservative at the convention - a Hail Mary, but a fight to the last conservative too.

The smoke went up the chimney on Romney from before the primaries, and the GOP/E was pissed they had to blow the cash and political capital they did trying to defend Romney.

As we sit here today, Romney has already lost. The debate will consist of the following:

OBAMA: “First, I want to thank Governor Romney for pioneering the Affordable Care Act. His courage in Massachusetts allowed us to learn from his mistakes, and as such we produced a better bill. Governor Romney, we could not have passed the Affordable Care Act without you.”

ROMNEY: “ . . . . . but, I know business . . . .”

Now, I don’t care what anyone says, Romneycare was a FATAL DISQUALIFICATION FOR THE JOB OF THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE. He had a chance to disavow it, but that time passed. His judicial record is a mess too, so there is exactly zero reason why voting for him is going to make any positive difference at all in November. Not even the excuse of lifetime appointments to SCOTUS justifies voting for him, because there is zero evidence of him putting a conservative on the bench in MA.

Let’s say Romney somehow overcomes even this, and pulls it off. You realize he’s only slightly more conservative than Obama, but because of the R in back of his name, they’ll hand the blame for the inevitable mess on the entire party, not just him.

I was in the Wax Museum in SF, and they have a bunch of recent Presidents there. Reagan’s nameplate said “The Great Communicator”. GHW Bush’s - “Strong in international affairs”. Clinton (who’s impeached) said - “First Democrat to win a second term since FDR”. George W Bush’s nameplate? Nothing. Just his name.

Obama? “First African-American President”. That’s all they will ever know him for. He can wreck the country, but he’ll never be notorious. Ever.

Here’s what we learned with Dole, GHW Bush, and McCain - given the choice between a guy who comes out and tells you he’s a pinko, and a guy who’s a pinko, but says he’s not, people will pick the more apparently honest of the two.

For me, I’ll be voting for a Conservative. At least I can live with myself, and when Obama wins, if he finishes the job of wrecking the country, he’ll get the full credit for the task.

A pox on Santorum for not sticking it out. He knew the price his family was going to pay when they made the decision to run in the first place. He shepherded all the GOP values voters into a big bleating herd and led you away from Gingrich.

Gingrich has flaws, but he can admit when he’s made a mistake, and he delivered the Contract with America, and won an R Congress in 1994. He achieved welfare reform, and got a Democrat to sign the bill. He was the only adult running for the job at the time.

So, now here all the bleating values voters sit. Your shepherd went for the shade of ‘Senate Incumbancy Forever’ in the soft pink confines of Pennsylvania. Happy Valley indeed.

You guys all need to get dressed for dinner. The MSM will be around soon, wolves that they are, asking where your daddy went. Be a good lamb and bring along some mint jelly with you when they come around. Mint jelly goes great with barbecued sheep.

Santorum owed it to us to stay in until the convention. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out there was a deal cut.

120 posted on 04/10/2012 12:42:53 PM PDT by RinaseaofDs (Does beheading qualify as 'breaking my back', in the Jeffersonian sense of the expression?)
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To: Spunky

I cant believe we are stuck with another mccain, only this time a mormon mccain. Our Republic is truly lost.

150 posted on 04/10/2012 2:44:31 PM PDT by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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To: napscoordinator

Hey there, what a wonderful day.

I told you something awhile back and I wanted to be sure to keep my word.


There, now I suppose you will go onto supporting Romney. LOL

Have a wonderful day...... LOLOLOLOLOLOL

177 posted on 04/11/2012 5:55:05 PM PDT by Gator113 (***YOU GAVE it to Obama. I would have voted for NEWT.~Just livin' life, my way~)
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To: napscoordinator

Hey there, what a wonderful day.

I told you something awhile back and I wanted to be sure to keep my word.


There, now I suppose you will go onto supporting Romney. LOL

Have a wonderful day...... LOLOLOLOLOLOL

178 posted on 04/11/2012 5:55:35 PM PDT by Gator113 (***YOU GAVE it to Obama. I would have voted for NEWT.~Just livin' life, my way~)
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