I wish the Supremes would sink Obamacare, but I have my doubts. Still, a good bi*ch slapping of Obama by the Supremes (legally of course) would be sweet.
At this point, there is no one willing to stand up against this dictator wannabe. Congress is useless. I hope the SC will do what is right.
It's vital that they do. Dictator-in-waiting (only he's not waiting) Obama seems willing and eager to sweep aside the majority of the American people, the congress, and the high courts.
—I wish the Supremes would sink Obamacare, but I have my doubts.—
I’ve read a lot of articles on this, and this is the best one yet. Interestingly, he doesn’t even mention the administration’s argument that it’s a tax and therefore A-OK.
He makes it clear that any other decision to allow the mandate to stand would be ridiculously activist and completely unsupportable while many many precidents have already been established in the last 240 years making this law DOA at the SCOTUS.
The only way they could twist things enough to pass it with even a remnant of a straight face is via the “it’s a tax” argument, which the author oddly doesn’t even address.
In the end, it is up to "We the People" and the guardians stand vigilant!