Get out the popcorn. This is like the neighbors vicious dog attacking the parking meter cop.
some great email exchanges about KO
like this one:
From: Jeff Polikoff
Subject: Re: KO actions on 11/21/11
Date: November 22, 2011 2:26:57 PM PST
To: David Bohrman
Last night a remote segment with KO was cut short abruptly due to the satellite feed being cut off.
The guest had arrived late and was rescheduled to a later time in the show. Unfortunately our lines coordinator forgot to extend the satellite window.
KO as you will read below got a little emotional.
On Nov 22, 2011, at 3:57 PM, Barry Katz wrote:
As I know you are aware, Keith created a potentially dangerous situation last night when he threw with full force a glass mug at the set hitting a solid part of it that caused the mug to shatter.
I know this was caused by the satellite time ending before the interview was over but had the broken glass hit someone in the studio, this could have caused injury and potentially having to bring in EMTs to help the injured person. In addition, the spill left from the fluid (I assume water) could have caused someone to slip which is also a dangerous condition.
I dont know if Keith has been spoken to about such acts and I certainly understand how difficult such a conversation can be with him. However, throwing things in the studio is not acceptable as it creates a potentially dangerous situation for anyone in the studio at that time.
Please let me know if this has been addressed with him.