Yes, on surface it looks seriously conservative (as Romney also claims he is). However those are percentages, and it is not explained how they arrived at those percentages. It is subject to their interpretations.
What I listed are ACTUAL votes by Rick in US Senate. No interpretation required. I will support Newt until he declares he is no longer in the race. Who would you prefer seeing in one-on-one debates with Obama? The election will hinge on those debates because 40 million+ will tune in and for many of them it will be the first time they learn about the candidates. If Newt drops out and if Romney has not reached 1144, only then I can reluctantly support Rick.
Exactly.....I too will continue to support Newt...never can tell what he might have up his sleeve he hasn't played I'm not about ready to back Santorum....and Pa has yet to vote.
Rick will do ok In Western Pa....but in the East he won't do well at all. Some will vote for Rick simply to stop Romney though it looks like that's almost a done deal as well.
Should Romney take this I'm just done with politics...will vote for locals and do a write in for Pres....then it's out for me.