Somebody should explain to him that the three branches of government are co-equal, not subservient to the presidency............
What’s he gonna do if they strike it down?
Go Trayvon on their asses? Call for all his fellow blacks to burn the cities down? If we don’t let the federal government force all Americans to buy a private product my fellow blacks will go apesh1t on your asses? And Holder will not prosecute “his own people”?
Really? Because we won’t let you make America socialist, this is what you think everyone will rally around you for, Barry? Really? Life doesn’t end for most people if Obamacare dies. Hurts you far more than the average person, Barry.
The community organizing Constitution hating baby dictator speaks... Supreme Court, do as your told!
Is that the same unelected branch that overturned Arizona immigration laws?
“I am the President, I was elected, I won, so everything I want to do- I can... so neener neener neener”
If they put down his law he’ll unleash the dogs of war. He will take next step and convince everyone that this whole Supreme Court thing just isn’t working.
“In fact, F*** them! The mandate goes as planned! Are you gonna let them take it from you? Who’s with me?! Rise up people! Show them how strong you are!”
Oh, maybe he won’t say it. Can’t get his hands dirty. But he’ll let all the right people know. Time to pull the pin on this revolution. It’s what the Marxists and communists have been waiting all their lives for. And he’s ready to do it. He’s ready to take his place as the One who makes it happen. Maybe even before November if it looks like he’s running out of time.
IIRC, he didn’t have enough votes to get his power grab passed. He had to do a lot dirty deals to get enough elected representatives hold their noses and pass it.
Alito will like that.
Hey Barry...What about those groups of unelected Czar’s!
His ignorance on the nature of the SC is astounding. But perhaps he is not ignorant, just banking on the fact that there is a portion of the electorate that KNOW NOTHING about our form of government.
Tactically, that has to be the dumbest move he could have made.
If anything, it is likely to blow up in his face because even the Liberal Justices are going to have to be worried about the independence of the Supreme Court and it’s position as a coequal branch of government.
Once again, he is way over his pay grade.
Is he really so stupid as to think that Justice Roberts doesn't get the warning and ignores it.
Of course Kag & Soto are probably so proud of him - backing them and trashing the Constitution at the same time. What courage, what strength!
Ginsburg has already stated her views on the US Constitution - old goat.
Is this spoken by one who himself has failed to provide convincing evidence that he is not an unconstitutional imposter as POTUS?
As more and more laws in this country go unenforced and less and less constitutional adherence is applied to our governance, the less the “rule of law” will mean.
If the President can assume power of influence over the court (not that he has but seems to think so), if Black Panthers can put a bounty on a citizens head, if our government can force us to buy something or enter into and enforceable contract, the rule of law is dead or near to it. When civil cases start to be won using a defense case based on precedence set by our government, the law is dead.
Want Proof?
Explain to me what Illegal immigration really means anymore. It’s not apparently illegal to be here without permission, documentation, etc. It’s just illegal to get here? That is, we only enforce the law if you get caught getting here illegally. Otherwise you can vote, collect welfare, unemployment, etc. all without fear. Just don’t get caught anywhere in the US trying to get into the US.
When will some nutcase NeoNazi put a public bounty on the head of the Black Panthers? Will there then be a prosecution? They can’t now. They would have to arrest both that launched the bounties. Right?
...we won't ******* eat your mushrooms either...
Obama had hs minions go out and threaten SC. I have no doubt that obama was made aware of las Friday’s SC vote. Kagan was his solicitor general....a political appointment...she was on the phone to obama within 2 minutes after the meeting broke up.
After this stunt I wouldn’t be surprised if Obamacare goes down 7-2.
We know who the “2” would be.
He saying that to US SUpreme court he suppose be LAW professor boy talk about inflated ego
Mr. Obama, it is the “unelected group of people” that is charged with writing what is yet unwritten in this law that we fear far more than this particular group to whom you refer.
The Supremes are “unelected” for a reason. They are appointed for life terms because the founders felt that one of the branches of government needed to be free of having to campaign for votes, thereby retaining the ability to be impartial.
As a constitutional scholar, I’m sure you were aware of that...../sarc