Didn’t Noonan support Obama? As I recall, she was, at the very least, an Obama sympathizer, which means she has come around to agreeing with the unstable, radical right she is smearing, maybe not about the phoney birth certificates, but about phoney, incompetent Obama, who is a lot like Peggy’s boy Romney. Funny how these flakes blow around.
Noonan did not , as you say, “nail it.” If she did indeed nail it, she would likely be out of a job.
Others have “nailed it” years ago, in 2008.
I loathe Obama with every fiber of my being.
I think he is a liar, and he reminds me of my brother in law.
My brother in law who: has a degree, thinks he is highly intelligent, and is a hardcore atheist. My BIL is actually a LOSER who works as a paralegal for a slimy lawyer, doesn’t make enough money for my sister and their child to eat meat, drove their vehicle for a few years without changing the oil so the engine blew, can’t open a leatherman utility tool, and throws a football like John f’n Kerry. He is an impotent fool. He even speaks in the same stuttering way Obama does!
So yeah, Obama is an impotent, lying, foolish atheist. He probably smokes weed in the white house. He disgusts me!
I read at least one essay that said it was no less than Geithner that warned Obama that this recession was the worst since the Great Depression, but since he wanted to transform America, he was determined to push for Obamacare. I believe it was in The New Republic.
The Great Depression, like now, was a financial and credit crisis based on bad loans.
I wish.
Unfortunately, close to half of American voters passionately support the European Socialist political model.
Add in our low speed economic recovery and the unwavering support of the MSM, and Obama can easily be reelected.
Welcome to the party, Noonan. I still don’t trust you. You people fouled it up to begin with by giving him a Lewinsky in 08 with your coverage. We saw it from the start.
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She ordered knee pads when Barry was running and probably passed out with joy when he won. Why should anyone believe anything she says about running against the guy? She's just another one of the "Conservatives" who have been in the Vichy wing of the party all along and don't mind the Nazi democrat party always being the majority just as long the Nazis invite them to parties and make nice now and then.
Noonan was madly in love with King Barry, and like Coulter she's betrayed everything she claimed she believed in. Noonan is turncoat trash no matter how well she can state the obvious