Posted on 03/26/2012 4:42:19 AM PDT by SoFloFreeper
he has had 3 years to get those votes in those swing states and are now locked up in boxes somewhere waiting to be cast.
They’ll be put out as early voting in certain places , using foreclosed home addresses and dead people.
He knows he has already won the next election and we the racist corrupt DOJ helping him then don’t expect the Gov’s of certain states or the GOP to actually do something about this or stop early voting.
Those most enamored of communism/socialism are the least productive members of society who want those goodies that accrue to the most productive. Their agenda is detrimental to a productive society resulting in their attempt to hide that agenda by calling themselves progressives or liberals. These communist/socialists who call themselves progressives or liberals now control both parties and those two parties are rapidly bringing this nation to rule by man when it’s supposed to be rule by law.
Throughout history when the citizens of a nation find that they can not and will not be accorded either justice or redress from those, Judges, bureaucrats, or politicians, tasked with administering justice and or redress, the citizens find they must correct these miscreants, quite often violently, by hanging, guillotine, or simply shooting.
From watching what is happening in our nation, a correct observation would be that judges, bureaucrats, and politicians, have failed to study or acquire any knowledge of such history.
Now Im sure that there are those who are tired of my bringing up the communist/socialist agenda, but that is who has been working towards this point for over one hundred years. They now believe they have finished accumulating power and are over the hump and it is now all down hill consolidation of power, that is why they are so much out in the open.
The two wings of the Government Party offer you the choice of a disorganized and self indulgent megalomaniac leftwing progressive, or the focused and self disciplined megalomaniac leftwing progressive. The organized one -will- accomplish more harm if elected.
The question has become, will we, the US of America, be another failed communist government or will the people seize control of their own destiny from the tyrants.
Payment in full once he's appointed to a position on the International wolrd Governance. Nations leaderships are already calling for Obama to take some position...I forget what one it is. Read about that awhile ago.
Gosh I need to save these articles more often....!
Chicago politics comes to Washington, DC
Are you kidding? Will never is already controlled. They stopped the truth for his election in the first they know what works and have even enhanced those tactics....
I am seriously afraid we have waited too late....God is judging this nation and it's Obama/democrates,communists and all the enemies of this country who are going to be the hammer that takes this nation all the way down. And this while they line their pockets.
The economics of 2008 began the transition of monies across the entire Globe and all this bale out nonsense was simply "washing" money from one place to the other
Looks like the One World Governance is fast approaching it or not...they do have the power now and the reins to pull all the strings and the monies out of our pockets.
Are you kidding? Will never is already controlled. They stopped the truth for his election in the first they know what works and have even enhanced those tactics....
I am seriously afraid we have waited too late....God is judging this nation and it's Obama/democrates,communists and all the enemies of this country who are going to be the hammer that takes this nation all the way down. And this while they line their pockets.
The economics of 2008 began the transition of monies across the entire Globe and all this bale out nonsense was simply "washing" money from one place to the other
Looks like the One World Governance is fast approaching it or not...they do have the power now and the reins to pull all the strings and the monies out of our pockets.
There will be no fight for this nation....not enough to do so who see it needs doing of.
If you remove the foreigners, who would simply go to their home countries and wait it out...and then those on the dole from welfare programs etc. You have the working American left....and if they stop working to fight an uprising the whole system will fall.
So it's just not going to happen. People will ride out whatever...the well to do sill simply move to a more proserous country, as they're doing now...and this nation will be used only for it's military.
Who’s this Kenyan working for?
Unless it’s a landslide, then there’s not much he can do. Thanks to Al Gore, we now have the losers not bowing out gracefully like they used to. The Mooch will be throwing things as they see their charmed life go out the window with election results.
See what he says when he thinks he's among fellow travelers, comrade?
The Old Testament is filled with examples of His using wicked leadership to judge a nation's unrighteousness and denial and outright rebellion of and to Him.
(Side note. We are coming up on the 40th year anniversary of Roe VS. Wade January 22, 2013. A generation in the bible is normally considered 40 years. The sin of abortion has stained this nation for a whole generation. Not sure how this may be of significance but may the Lord have mercy on His people in His justice.)
Psalm 72:11-14
"Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.
For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.
He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.
He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight."
Putin has the goods on BO’s background including where he was born. He’s probably being blackmailed . This is why Congress should look into BO’s past and actually do something about it.
What Obama (who wants to reduce our arsenal to ZERO) won’t consider is, our missiles are not in one big pile.
You reduce the number, you reduce the readiness of those deployed in an area.
He’s a big traitor than Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State who said she was afraid of America being the world’s lone superpower.
Ping to 151.
Agree. Sigh.....
He always does that even in the face of judgment. When you consider all 'His' children this nation has brutally murdered, in and out of the womb, and those numbers are's all HIS Mercy this nation hasn't been completely destroyed and all it's people with it.
may the Lord have mercy on His people in His justice.) Not only do we murder our own offspring...but we farm out further murders to other nations children as well.
God is angry with be sure...and rightfully so. Yet we have not even begun to see His wrath....and the only thing in that way IS His Mercy thus far...imo time is running out fast on this country and may have already passed.
I figure both....maybe the beginning of the end our nation, which has always had it's footprint, monies, and helps to nations worldwide now loosing it's power and wealth....and they are starting to tumble as well as we cannot shore them this progresses every leader Internationally is looking for Mr. Fix It....and when the time is right he'll not disappoint them initially.
But that sure as heck won't be some try to say...he doesn't fit the description.
I want to share part of my personal testimony. Seeing as FR is anonymous (to some extent...;)), I feel like it is necessary to do so. I haven't shared this but with a few people. I don't share it publicly because I feel like it would bring embarrassment for my mother. And as the Lord commands us to “Honor your mother and father”, so I haven't shared this but with a few people.
I was born in late 64’. Abortion was still illegal and my mother went to a back-alley type of ‘doctor’ when she found out she was pregnant with dispose of me. This person injected her with something that was supposed to poison me out. Whatever it was, it was supposed to guarantee my obliteration within her womb. I have no idea what it might have been. But this ‘doctor’ she had been referred to had success in other cases or she wouldn't have been referred to them. My mother got terribly sick from whatever this quack injected into her but the Lord spared my life. She said she knew while she was experiencing the effects of whatever was put into her that I “fought inside her for dear life”.
Needless to say, I was an ‘unsuccessful’ or ‘failed’ abortion. A walking miracle. But for the grace of God I wouldn't be typing this to you right now. I have no anger or resentment towards my mother for what she attempted. And obviously, God had another plan. Blessed be His name! The result is that I am vehemently against abortion/murder and am VERY aware of the anniversary date for Roe V. Wade. Had I been conceived but 10 years later from my mom's attempt, with the passage of Roe V. Wade, there is a very good chance that the abortion would have been effective. Again, I praise the Lord for sparing my life!
The 40-year-anniversay coincides closely with the next inauguration. The next 10 months will be very telling for our nation. There is an urgency to share the gospel more then ever with everything going on. For such a time as this...
Yes, and also to rescue "believers" caught up in cults and or following false teachers I've noted.
There are far fewer open to the Gospel then once known, most aren't the least bit receptive....and thus getting the "family" together and out from the places they've wandered to does seem to be the movement....and takes much greater work I've learned.
BTW ...Congradulations on being a Survior of an Abortion Attempt. I remember viewing an abortion in progress, which I can't tell you how difficult to watch, and they showed the instrument probing around and the baby withdrawaing to the back of the womb......what an eye opener that was.
Imagine the one place God designed for the safest place a baby could ever imagine being in...and it becomes a death chamber! ....Yes! glad you made it.... I do believe your mother when she said she could feel you fighting for your life.
When you have fought for the unborn and the child is aborted anyway, the mother and grand-mother driven to the abortion clinic by their Pastor no less.....and then two week s later the mother of the unborn is killed in an auto accident, really never get over the loses abortion creates...and it goes beyoud the abortion clinics....the ripple affect is endless.
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