You have a presumed innocent man that has had national broadcasting of fliers and e-communications that offer $10K DEAD OR ALIVE...and Rick KNOWS this...
and you think there’s wiggle-room for a right and a wrong on Rick’s behavior based on what we don’t yet know about the incident?
No, I don’t know where you got that. I can’t support what Rick said.
"He will have to walk it back. Sigh."
My question to you was: Just how does one "walk this back"?
Where--in Rick's vile statements about Zimmerman, a man on whose head is a "DEAD OR ALIVE" bounty (from a violent group)--can Rick "unring the bell" of the now escalated real DANGER to Zimmerman's LIFE?
Rick has now caused Zimmerman's very life to be at stake even more.
Rick knew of the deadly bounty...
yet he knowingly proceded to fuel the FLAMES of the lynch crowd's torches.