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To: Westbrook

I figuree some self righteous pompus a$$ would say something like that. It is the Santorum way I guess, question other people’s dedication to Christ. You are lower than scum. I think Jesus called folks like you vipers. There is a reason for that.

70 posted on 03/21/2012 7:52:24 AM PDT by dt57 (illerate, noobie....)
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To: dt57

> question other people’s dedication to Christ.

Yes, of course, we know that committed Christians would gladly vote for a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Marxist before voting for someone as evyl as Rick Santorum.

You were the one who said your “born-again” Christian children would vote for the “other side”. Doesn’t sound very Christian to me.

> You are lower than scum.

You are in violation of the rules of this forum. Not that it will matter much to you.

Look, if Newt is the nominee, I will gladly vote for him.

If Santorum is the nominee, I will gladly vote for him.

If Romney is the nominee, I will vote for him only because of my commitment to the greater good, because I think that Romney is more likely to appoint anti-abortion, anti-homo judges than is 0bama.

Would you rather have four more years of 0bama and his fellow travelers?

You indicated that your children would.

74 posted on 03/21/2012 8:09:40 AM PDT by Westbrook (Children do not divide your love, they multiply it.)
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