Mike Huckabee has started thinking logically for some reason.
Let’s just get Romney to drop out, then we can have real fun.
I am not sure I agree with all of that, though Newt is alive and if he wins at least one today and beats Santorum in both, then he is very alive.
Now where I disagree is that the voters of the two candidates are not totally the same type person. RS' voters are all either a: non Mitts or b: social only or c: deceived into believing RS is the real conservative in the race. Thus, I think they will mostly go to Newt if RS drops out.
BUT, and this is where I am simply theorizing, I think a portion of Newt's voters are motivated by different things - including ability, accomplishment, etc - and not all of those voters would go to RS. Some of course are non Mitts and movement conservatives and they would go grudgingly to RS.
I think it was Rush who made a statement that Huckabee had endorsed Romney, and Romney called the show to say that he had not endorsed Romney. Rush (or whoever) was questioning how Huckabee could endorse Romney after the things that he had said about him in 2008.
Anyway, Huckabee didn’t like being made to look like a hypocrite, and made it clear that he had not endorsed Romney, that McCain had, but he had not.
I never trusted Huckabee though. I didn’t like the way he joined with McCain in that West Virginia primary to shut out Romney. I never liked Romney either, though. I simply liked Romney better than McCain.
I've wondered if that is the case, but would like to understand his rationale for that.
I wouldn't think a lot of Gingrich or Santorum voters would flock to Romney, if one dropped out. But you never know.
On the otherhand, if Gingrich would accept a VP spot and they combined forces, I wouldn't think they would lose any voters to Romney.
As opposed to the Romney/Paul allegiance, where I suspect that if Paul dropped out, that Paul's followers would not choose big government Romney as their first choice.