I have given some thought recently as to why in the world Obama is actually running ads against Sarah, someone who is not currently running for any political office .... I think it is fairly unprecedented that a sitting president feels the need to run ads like this. The Left has doubled down with the release of the movie Game Change, a direct assault against Sarah.
My conclusion is that it is more than this election. It is because Sarah is a LEADER. People listen to her, people will follow her and she can organize the ‘resistance’. She recognizes the ‘enemy within’ and is a clear and present danger to the Left/Obama’s agenda. Obama & bums are trying to discredit/destroy Sarah in every way possible and take away her ability to lead on issues and in the revolution against what Obama represents and is doing to this country. Sarah terrifies them .... and well she should.
They had all this and more just in case she did run.If she was running , now the news would be 24/7 all anti-Palin smears , even worse than when she ran for VP.
I'm very disappointed she didn't run and so gave the media and liberals their wish.
She could run and still win. I Hope she runs. If you are reading this Sarah , Run, we need you now!