“Diversity”: Sorry, we refuse to hire any geniuses if their skin is white - we’re only hiring morons because their skin is black.
Makes a twenty-first century kinda sense.
any time I hear the code word of diversity I straight away call them out.
Heard one college girl saying that she likes the local school here in town but wished it were more diverse.
I asked what she meant and she replied that she wished it had more blacks, maybe some muslims etc.
I told her I had never noticed as I only look at people as people and not by their race, religion etc.
She blushed and shut up.
It works every time we these idiots.
Really I had not noticed who was any color to me I only look at the person and ones color does not come into my mind..
Of course I do notice a muslim here in town as we might see lone about one in 5 years on a visit
That was how he got elected President.
Is this how Anita Hill secures a professorial position? Must have been a similar dust-up.