Yes he should. Rush did the EXACT right thing. WHY? Because it was the RIGHT thing to do, unlike the left who are a bunch of losers! This has nothing to do with what Ms Fluke is, it has to do with using a derogatory term to describe a woman he didn't know. He used the wrong term and that's why he apologized. Unlike Ms. Fluke, who is a pitiful human being for not accepting a sincere apology Rush rose to the occasion and held responsibility.
That's the difference between the gracious nature of Rush, and the obdurate ugliness of both Ms. Fluke and many on the left.
I call any unmarried woman, and I don’t have to know her, who gets on national TV and tells the world she likes to have sex the way most people would talk about playing checkers a slut. All that much more of a slut when she actually says she wants taxpayers to pay for birth control pills because she can’t affort to. IMHO Rush apologized so he wouldn’t lose to many sponsors. Rush Limbaugh chooses his words carefully. He knew exactly what he was saying. He said nothing wrong. I still respect his opinion, but I’m disappointed in his “apology”. But I also understand he’s in a business and it was smart to “apologise” to the liberals, who will still rack him over the coals, apology or not.
[[it has to do with using a derogatory term to describe a woman he didn’t know]]
Oh but he DID know her- Hell- all America knows her after she unashamedly told America that she is infact a slut. A sluit is someone who has premerital sex- She made it very clear that she spends 1000 per year so that she can have premarital sex. IF having premarital sex doesn’t make a woman a slut, what exactly does it make her? Whaty cute euphamism shoudl we use to sugar coat a woman with no shame and no moral values?
She’s right, you know. What Rush says or doesn’t say does not change at Fluke is someone who engages promiscuously in recreational sexual activity and believes she ought to be subsidized by Americans for doing so.
I would be so ashamed if she were my daughter. It is bad enough that she does this, but for her to be so shameless as to testify before a mock Congressional committee hearing is really over the top.
Maybe slut is not quite an accurate term for her, but I can tell you for sure that “proper lady” is far less accurate.