Did you listen?
I agreed with what he said.....In fact I could see myself saying that exact same thing, after saying what he did...in the context that he said it.
Millions of Rush listener's have said over the years...."You are just saying, what I've been thinking". Period.
I don't always agree with anyone....let alone Rush. But, I've learned more info from Rush than you. Or anyone else...for that matter.
Is he the end all, be all?...Nope. Is he perfect? Nope. Are you? Nope. Am I? Nope.
I did listen and he is right in that, it is a tactic of the left to name call the way he did and that he should not sink to the left’s level of personal attack.
He and you and others can spin it however you like, it was an apology brought on by outside forces and that is my uneasiness in regards to it.
No one is perfect and we are fortunate to have one such as Rush on our side, but we are in the fight of our lives and we need our warriors to be warriors and not apologists.
His mistake was in making it personal and I didn’t hear him say that was his mistake, but rather that he used words that were inappropriate. They were not inappropriate to the argument, they were inappropriate in that they were directed at her and not at the nameless faceless “friends” she claimed on whose behalf she claimed to be testifying.
I would like to have him explore the subject of why those words are offensive to the left who believe that sex with an unlimited number of partners of all ages and genders is good and to be encouraged.
I am disappointed, but still a supporter and listener and eager student of the Limbaugh institute of conservative study.