It’s ridiculous. Honestly, though, the support for Romney as a second choice makes sense. The hatred toward Rick has done nothing but help Romney. Those who support Romney as a second choice seem to hate Rick so much because he is so socially conservative and outspoken about it, hence the nicknames like “Saint Rick” and “Sanctimonious”.
Says a lot about the poster, if you ask me, that moral issues make them cringe (and yet they would still claim to be a conservative.) I truly think the US Libertarian Party would be a more appropriate site for them perhaps.
Of course they do...he should have backed out back when and let Newt take the front head to head with Romney. Then there would have been a race. But just as we in Pa. know fully well.. Santorum will always go in whatever direction feeds his political ambitions regardless of the effects on Conservatives and their positions...he did it in Pa. and he'll do it now and continue to do so.
It has nothing to do with his social conservativism..he simply is all about himself and you stack his accomplishments, abilities and know how up against Newt and there's no comparison..Newt has it hands down and without effort. And that's just the truth.
People are voting for who they 'Like" not who can take out Obama, and expose him, and then hit the ground running in DC to turn things around fast. So if Santorum wins...we can count on Obamas next four years and rick will have earned his political career and royalties he'll get ...he wins either way...and our country looses for him.
Just a reminder we have Obamacare as a direct result of Santorums putting his political ambitions ahead of what is the right thing for this country. The same thing he did in PA....and for that lost the election...he cannot be trusted.