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He isn't a Muslim. He has no serious belief in any religion.

He was way into being a muslin when he was 12 or so. His atheist mother didn't like it and sent him back to her atheist parents in Hawaii when and where Barry's grandpa took him to be tutored by atheist communist Frank Marshall Davis. Obama still pines for the days of Islam in Indonesia when he was just a lad.

39 posted on 03/03/2012 11:48:03 PM PST by Poincare (Reality is not a fool.)
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To: Poincare

The communist left sucks up to radical islam not because they embrace their religion (Commies despise religion), but rather because both groups hate America and want to destroy it. Obama pals, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, leaders of Code Pink (all 100% Communist) are working with the islamo-nazi enemies of Israel and the US.

40 posted on 03/04/2012 3:31:11 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Poincare; RetiredArmy; itsahoot
Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left
by David Horowitz

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Amazon Book Review:
"Vastly Illuminating!" September 25, 2004
By Kat Bakhu

"I had long wondered why people on the Left had the propensity to speak more positively about people who would slit their throats than they do about their own country, which affords them more freedom and opportunity than anywhere else. David Horowitz has answered that question thoroughly and convincingly in his Unholy Alliance. Where I felt bewildered and confused, I now feel crystal clear. Unholy Alliance is such a great book.

It begins with the leftist movements at the beginning of the 20th Century, and works its way up to the present day, exploring the anti-American attitude of these movements in detail. Horowitz shows that the enemies of the US back then are largely the same group today, operating under the same misperceptions, making the same mistakes, and pursuing the same impossible utopia.

Individual chapters are included on the Patriot Act (I was persuaded that it is a GOOD thing); the democratic flip-flop on Iraq once G.W. Bush implemented what they agreed with Clinton needed to be done; the driving components of the current anti-war movement; as well as chapters on individual personalities who are major spokespeople of the Left. Horowitz covers a lot of ground, and he covers it concisely and clearly. Unholy Alliance is richly informative without ever being boring or plodding.

This book is so illuminating that I simply cannot do justice to it here. I love people who reason so clearly that they help me get my own reasoning clear. Horowitz is just that type of person! In the terrain of mindless clichés (no-blood-for-oil, etc.), he is a breath of real fresh air."

Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left -by David Horowitz
Not all dissent is equal, and Americans whose actions are calculated to give aide and comfort to the butchers who murdered 3,000 innocent people on September 11, 2001 are not patriotic at all... they are, in fact, quite the opposite.

$18.00 from David Horowitz's website,
(click on 'Bookstore' near the top of the page)

41 posted on 03/04/2012 3:33:40 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Poincare; RetiredArmy; itsahoot
Obama Funder 'Jodie Evans' In White House Visitor Log days after Code Pink Hamas Trip
by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King

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42 posted on 03/04/2012 3:36:57 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Poincare; RetiredArmy; itsahoot
Cindy Sheehan, Jodie Evans, Hugo Chavez,
Medea Benjamin [co-founder Code Pink]

Code Pink 'Bundles' for Barack, 4/14/2008

"The co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink [Jodie Evans] has “bundled” more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money."

From National Public Radio (NPR):
August 29, 2006
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been visiting countries such as China, Iran and Russia as part of an effort to build a 'strategic alliance' of interests not beholden to the United States. He considers the United States his arch enemy.":


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REVOLUTION: Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA [Maoist]

Revolution interview with ["Peace Mom"] Cindy Sheehan: October 29, 2005:
['Revolution' is the official newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Party]

November 22, 1970 -- During a fund-raising tour for GI deserters, Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the Black Panthers, Jane Fonda is quoted in the Detroit Free Press as telling a University of Michigan audience:

"I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist," and "The peace proposal of the Viet Cong is the only honorable, just, possible way to achieve peace in Vietnam."

Fonda made the following statement at the University of Texas:
"We've got to establish a Socialist economic structure that will limit private profit-oriented businesses. Whether the transition is peaceful depends on the way our present governmental leaders react. We must commit our lives to this transition ...... We should be very proud of our new breed of soldier. It's not organized but it's mutiny, and they have every right." --Karen Elliott Dallas Morning News December 11, 1971

From 1972: "I am not a do-gooder, I am a revolutionary. A revolutionary woman."

Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans embraces commie
traitor Jane Fonda

43 posted on 03/04/2012 3:37:28 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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"God D*** America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11"
--Rev Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's "Black Liberation"(Communist) pastor for twenty + years


"America’s chickens... are coming home... to ROOST!"


Re: 911

August, 2003: Ward Churchill Caught On Tape Advocating Terrorism [vs Fellow Americans]

Audio link at Michell Malkin's website (included below)

Question from audience:
You mentioned a little bit ago, "Why did it take a bunch of Arabs to do what you all should have done a long time ago," that's my question.

Churchill: I'm gonna repeat that, tell me if I got that right: Why shouldn't we do something and how do you you move so they don't see you coming.

As to the first part, not a reason in the world that I could see. I can't find a single reason that you shouldn't in a principled way —there may be some practical considerations, such as do you know how (laughter from audience)

—you know, often these things are processes. It's not just an impulse. And certainly it's not just an event.

And the simple answer, although it probably should be more complicated, but I'm not being flip and giving the simple answer, is:
You carry the weapon. That's how they don't see it coming. You're the one...

They talk about "color blind or blind to your color." You said it yourself.

You don't send the Black Liberation Army into Wall Street to conduct an action.

You don't send the American Indian Movement into downtown Seattle to conduct an action.

Who do you send? You. Your beard shaved, your hair cut close, and wearing a banker's suit.

There's probably a whole lot more to it, you know that. But there's where you start. .."


The audio is apparently no longer available -only transcript:

Here is a 4 minute video from 2006 in which Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are asked if Ward Churchill in the late 1960s, as he claims, taught the Weathermen bomb making techniques. Ayers says with a sneaky grin: "memory is a real MF-er".

44 posted on 03/04/2012 3:41:39 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine
Monday , May 5, 2008
FoxNews/Hannity's America
[special Friday night edition--original airdate May 2, 2008]

(some key excerpts)

["(Jose) Diaz-Balart is the son of Rafael Diaz-Balart y Guitierrez (a former Cuban politician). He has three bothers, Rafael Diaz-Balart (a banker), Mario Diaz-Balart (a US Congressman) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (also a US Congressman). His aunt, Mirta Diaz-Balart, was Fidel Castro's first wife."]

JOSE DIAZ-BALART, TELEMUNDO NETWORK: "Liberation theology in Nicaragua in the mid-1980's was a pro-Sandinista, pro-Marxist, anti-U.S., anti-Catholic Church movement. That's it. No ifs, ands, or buts. His church apparently supported, in the mid-'80s in Nicaragua, groups that supported the Sandinista dictatorships and that were opposed to the Contras whose reason for being was calling for elections. That's all I know. I was there.

I saw the churches in Nicaragua that he spoke of, and the churches were churches that talked about the need for violent revolution and I remember clearly one of the major churches in Managua where the Jesus Christ on the altar was not Jesus Christ, he was a Sandinista soldier, and the priests talked about the corruption of the West, talked about the need for revolution everywhere, and talked about 'the evil empire' which was the United States of America."

REV. BOB SCHENCK, NATIONAL CLERGY COUNCIL: "it's based in Marxism. At the core of his [Wright's] theology is really an anti-Christian understanding of God, and as part of a long history of individuals who actually advocate using violence in overthrowing those they perceive to be oppressing them, even acts of murder have been defended by followers of liberation theology. That's very, very dangerous."

SCHENCK: "I was actually the only person escorted to Dr. Wright. He asked to see me, and I simply welcomed him to Washington, and then I said Dr. Wright, I want to bring you a warning: your embrace of Marxist liberation theology. It is contrary to the Gospel, and you need, sir, to abandon it. And at that he dropped the handshake and made it clear that he was not in the mood to dialogue on that point."

Source: The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine:,2933,354158,00.html

45 posted on 03/04/2012 3:43:35 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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Below is an article from August 2011 on the connections between "Arab Spring", "Occupy Wall Street", "Days of Rage", Bill Ayers, other members of the Weather Underground and Code Pink. Note particularly the parts I highlighted in bold.

Beware the U.S. 'day of rage' September 17

Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner
August 21, 2011

In 1969 Leftwing domestic terrorist William 'Bill' Ayers, head of the group known as 'the Weathermen,' staged the 'days of rage' in Chicago during which acts of violence, mayhem, and destruction of property were conducted as a means by which Progressive extremists would not only protest American capitalism and the Viet Nam War but so disrupt the country that its economic and social system would crumble and be replaced by a Marxist and pacifistic model.

The fact that by definition an anti-war movement along with its promotion of pacifism disavows all violence for any purpose, good or bad, was totally lost on this gang of extremist militants who were more interested in pushing a Marxist, anti-Capitalist agenda than portraying a pacifistic mindset. Despite their many claims of 'peaceful protest and non-violent civil disobedience,' the Weathermen went on a rampage during which they ran wild in the streets wearing helmets, military gear, and wielding baseball bats and other weapons. All symbols of wealth and power were attacked, including parked cars, the apartments and property of the affluent, police officers, and 'rich' innocent bystanders.

Ayers called on the Marxist minions to kill their parents. By the end of the melee 400 militants were arrested and 60 victims were injured, some seriously. The group had also caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages to property.

By 1970 the Weathermen turned even more violent as they began to blow up buildings with bombs. Bombs were detonated in the U.S. Capitol Building, the Pentagon, and the New York City Police Headquarters, among others. The violence resulted in several deaths, including that of at least 2 police officers. To this day, neither Bill Ayers, nor his wife and co-domestic terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, have ever expressed the slightest hint of remorse for their actions. To the contrary, they have stated more than once that they would do it all over again and are sorry that they did not do even more.

On September 17 of this year yet another 'day of rage' is scheduled to occur in New York City on Wall Street, as once again the militant Marxist Progressives attempt to shut down the stock market and bring to ruin several large firms. The major difference between the days of rage of 1969 and the day of rage this September 17 is that today the Leftwing extremists have friends in very high places within the government. And the key players in this year's display of mayhem have a direct connection with those who staged the first event in 1969.

The usual suspects are involved--the union SEIU, former directors of ACORN, and other Leftist organizations that have come to the forefront of attention since the Presidential election of 2008. But as a special report published in 2003 in the Boston Globe indicates, the Weathermen are still active and do most of their work underground, well out of the public eye. Many believe that Ayers, Dohrn, Kathy Boudin, and other key players in the Weathermen are helping fuel the tensions leading to the various days of rage around the world.

For example, it is known that Ayers, Dohrn, and Jodi Evans of Code Pink form the driving force behind the so-called 'Peace Flotilla' that is aimed at breaching Israel's blockade of Gaza and provoking attacks. It is also curious to note that the flotilla's activities closely preceded the so-called Arab Spring and days of rage throughout the Middle East as extremists used the ruse of 'democratic protests' to oust dictators and usher in their own form of totalitarianism called 'Sharia Law.' Ayers is the original purveyor of the 'days of rage'--the originator and guru of the movement. The fact that these types of events are being staged all over the world, using the same name, is no coincidence.

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"Gleeful about the raging riots that held England captive this week, the tweet has gone out to activists and ‘disaffected’ youth to “occupy wall street Sept 17” today. Social Networks FaceBook and Twitter are abuzz with plans for coming anarchy on U.S. soil.

The Days of Rage will continue beyond the ‘occupation’ of Wall Street with activists being told “bring your tent”.

The original "Day(s) of Rage"

Days of Rage riots (1969)
The Days of Rage riots in Chicago took place over a 4-day period beginning October 8, 1969, after members of the Weathermen, a militant offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society [SDS], converged on the city to confront police in the streets in response to the trial of the group of anti-Vietnam War activists known as the "Chicago Eight".

46 posted on 03/04/2012 3:44:52 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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Obama launched his political career in the home of two Communist terrorists.


"It was at the Chicago home of [Bill] Ayers and [Bernardine] Dohrn that Obama, then an up-and-coming 'community organizer,' had his political coming out party in 1995. Not content with this rite of passage in Lefty World — where unrepentant terrorists are regarded as progressive luminaries, still working 'only to educate' — both Obamas tended to the relationship with the Ayers."
Article: The Company He Keeps:
Meet Obama’s circle: The same old America-hating Left

"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at"
--Bill Ayers (1970), quoted in New York Times, September 11, 2001:

Article: "No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen"

"Dig It. First they killed those pigs [ie, rich people], then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!"
-Weather Underground leader and wife of Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, referring to the Manson murders

Article: Allies in War -by David Horowitz | Monday, September 17, 2001

47 posted on 03/04/2012 3:46:11 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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From American Thinker, September 16, 2008
Article: Obama's Foul Weather Friends
By Scott Swett and Roger Canfield

"As a gesture of solidarity, the Vietnamese who [Bernardine] Dohrn met in Budapest presented her with a ring made from an American aircraft shot down over North Vietnam. Bill Ayers would receive a similar ring while meeting with Vietnamese communists in Toronto. He later recalled being so moved by the gesture that he 'left the room to cry.' "

48 posted on 03/04/2012 3:46:47 AM PST by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Poincare
Interestingly Frank Marshall Davis was pretty much a classic polymorphous pervert interested in any sort of sex act available. BO would have been a classic mark for someone like Davis, who Michael Savage knew and described as the most evil man he ever met. Davis would have groomed a basically rootless and BO as a near pubescent boy. Such abusers and corrupters of males and females at that point in their lives can powerfully affect the child's worldview for his or her entire life. The messages they implant amid their abuse resonate long after the abuser is gone. Believe me on this, I know personally of a case and the victim spouted the idiocies her abuser programed he with for decades. So perhaps in a way BO is a Manchurian Candidate figure. Groomed and programed by Frank Davis and then manipulated by a series of other handlers who continues to pull his strings today.
58 posted on 03/04/2012 11:55:17 PM PST by robowombat
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