So, here we are again at the same place. Rush is not on the air now so Santos supporters have to explain to those of us who see him as missing an opportunity to showcase conservatism. What did he do? He goes safe so he doesn’t make a controversial statement about what Rush is trying to point out. This shows he is in over his head; not qualified to be the leader of the free world when he cannot even get of a situation with Blitzer, the media, our enemy (to our ideas and values) This thing of calling people who disagree with Santos views, as being haters, one could find that accusation at the left wing sites. Stop using the liberals’ tactics (stop, already), just respect those of us who disagree. Santorum missed a chance to take on the media’s lies and spin and changing the issue of that trashy girl wanting more $$ to buy her ( stop over population) pills.
He had to go safe. He had no choice in this instance. It was either agree with the statement which the media would spin from here untill kingdom come or distance himself. We all know that Santorum has spoken out multiple times about Obama’s contraception mandate. In fact, he’s one of the reasons it has gotten so much exposure. He would change it if in office, and that woman wouldn’t get what she wants. That, too me, shows he would be a good leader.
As far as calling people haters, some of the attacks on Santorum on this site are out of the leftwing playbook. Santorum is attacked by some relentlessly on here complete with namecalling, and some have posted liberal media headlines and Romney stuff to do it. I’be seen liberal arguments attacking him for his faith and social conservative views with names like “Saint Rick” and “Sanctimonious”. It’s one thing to disagree, but to go from Santorum thread to Santorum thread and bash a good man is not right. Why? I don’t and have not gone to Gingrich theads and bashed him because Gingrich is not the enemy here and neither is Santorum.
I am thinking how reporters and pundits go blue asking Newt trick questions - John King quizzing Newt on contraception.
You can bet John King is still reeling by what Newt did with that question, to him, to the president, by turning into a frontal assault.
Reporters quaking when asking Ricy anything?
Not so much.