As Gasoline approaches historic levels here, Colbert, Stuart, et al now suddenly understand specific parts of free market capitalism and continually engage in reductio absurdum to falsely imply Obama is NOT the cause.
Even his own mouthpieces in his administration admit he won’t even try to do something to alleviate the problem,
In a close-to-home example, the Gulf, he waited weeks to do anything with regard to the oil spill there,
Then refused ANY foreign cleanup help,
Illegally FORCED BP to pay $10 Billion in damages even before any fault was proven
Then banned all drilling there - these rigs then relocated to other parts of the world, likely not to return soon
FINALLY, he and his family trotted down to a gulf beach for a token 2 days and mouthed a few bragging words.
This is just one incident. Compare that to willfully NOT supporting (sympathetically or otherwise) the Iranian uprisings, the WILLFULL interference in Egypt to bring down Mubarek, In Libya, in Syria and who knows where else - all to install MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD to power on the world economy.
Add to that his machinations to destroy meaningful energy production here (coal, nuclear, oil, gas) by making their costs rise through impossible regulation; interference in the auto industry with gas standards, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles; preventing the construction of new refineries; and subsidizing hopelessly uneconomical solar, wind and other ‘green’ false technologies.
No, he isn’t responsible for the price of gas - not one friggin’ bit, is he?
Nope. It's Bush's fault. Bush screwed thing up SO BAD, that it will take decades of Obama's rule to fix things.
“As Gasoline approaches historic levels here, Colbert, Stuart, et al now suddenly understand specific parts of free market capitalism and continually engage in reductio absurdum to falsely imply Obama is NOT the cause.”
The Masters of the Lie trying to run interference in what they know will be an election disaster for Obama; too many of the 99% buy gas & groceries (including “Holder’s people”), and they’ve had enough of our affirmative-action token president.