I did not say Baby Bush created the entire problem, but it is an indisputable fact that he flood California with Hispanic immigrants legal and illegal, from 2000 to 2008. That is a documented fact.
What kind of idiot Republican floods a pivotal state that has over a hundred electoral votes with Democrat voters for 8 years.
I mean, at least I understand why rapist in chief Clinton flooded California with Hispanic Democrat voters from 1992 to 2000. It was in his interest to bury California with new Democratic Party voters.
Baby Bush had no such benefit to gain from burying California in Democrat voters.
I won’t bother to look up the stats and feel free to dispute them, but Baby Bush certainly let in a lot more Hispanic Dem voters from 2000 to 2008 then came in from 1970 to 1978. Immigration has been accelerating and Baby Bush let in more than Clinton even did, despite knowing he was just building up the Democratic Party voter base.
Baby Bush sold us out so his rich buddies could get richer for 8 years. He completely sold us out. Baby Bush is laughing all the way to the bank.
I want to see that documentation, I’m not convinced that President Bush did that.
It isn’t just because you talk like this “Baby Bush”, “rapist in chief Clinton” .
If you can’t show the evidence then admit it.
It must be one of the mythical 7 of the 57 states that you're talking about. California certainly doesn't have 100 electoral votes.