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To: butterdezillion

Very compelling posts in this thread and other recent ones, butterdezillion! You are demonstrating that we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to try to avoid normalcy bias - assuming that everything will continue to be just as it has been. Here are a few more puzzle pieces, along with a question or two.

Obama’s ties to Bill Ayers may go back to New York City thirty years ago. In the 1970s, Ayers and the Weather Underground plotted how to take over the US government. According to Larry Grathwohl (, an FBI agent who infiltrated the Underground in the 1970s, Ayers and company envisioned that the takeover would need to kill 25 million Americans who were beyond re-education. Ayers has had forty years to refine this plan and, conceivably, groom Obama to play a key role as a Trojan Horse.

According to a March 30, 2011 report by Kenneth Schortgen (, “Financier and progressive activist George Soros is formulating a move to control food and grain production by purchasing grain elevators in late March in several parts of the United States through his Soros Management Fund’s backed Gavilon Grain. With purchases made in March, Gavilon Grain will become the third largest grain company behind Cargill, and Archer-Daniels Midland.” These actions line up precisely with your hypothesis about making us more vulnerable to food shortages. In addition to the long-term effects of control over food supply and distribution, it could also be useful in the short term to snuff out an uprising of armed citizens. Removing access to water or electricity or introducing pandemic are other conceivable techniques.

The picture you paint indicates a very detailed systematic analysis and attack of the weaknesses of our government and society. The Executive branch of the government appears to have been captured, while the Legislative and Judicial branches have been co-opted, perhaps by personal or national blackmail as you describe. The traditional Media are completely in the tank for Obama, perhaps by a combination of natural inclination and threat.

What I wonder and worry about is the state of our Military, to whom we owe so much. Removal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, imposition of ridiculous rules of engagement, introduction of Islam education programs (such as how to handle a Koran), and US-China military exchanges are troubling signs. Have our military leaders also been co-opted? What about the lower ranks? Do they recognize the threat that our nation faces and will they be able to respond?

I welcome your thoughts! Keep up the good work.

242 posted on 02/25/2012 10:47:30 AM PST by Hetuck
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To: Hetuck

Excellent points. I was aware of Soros’ move for land, Monsanto’s move for a monopoly, etc but it’s definitely good to have the links to back stuff up too.

I am worried sick over the military, to put it bluntly. I have three nephews in the USMC now, and when I look at what Obama is doing to destroy our defenses I shudder. We’re sending women to the front lines supposedly because we don’t have enough manpower without them there, but at the same time we’re reducing our forces drastically. A lame-duck democrat Congress was able to get us to agree to give up our ability to develop missile defenses - at the same time that Ahmadinejad had arranged with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to allow Iran to deploy missiles from Venezuela, easily within our reach. This at the same time as R’s in Congress, who could easily have waited until they took over the House as a result of the landslide in Nov of 2010, agreed to repeal DADT.

In reporting about Obama apologizing (after our military properly disposed of Muslim-desecrated Korans, in accordance with Muslim requirements, which WASN’T reported) one of the media outlets (Politico maybe? I’d have to look and see) mentioned that these riots were more deadly than the response to a video a couple months ago where soldiers urinated on a terrorist’s corpse. It was interesting that they brought that up because somebody had mentioned how staged that video seemed - including the photographer asking the participants if he had gotten everything they wanted - and even the reports showed that the video had to have been in existence for some time. At that point I was asking myself whether the video was leaked in order to try to put our soldiers in harm’s way. My thought at the time was that the dangerous, complicated situation of combat is being politicized and subjected to sexual complications (homosexualized and feminized), which would further demoralize a lot of the people in the military, but we’ve got some incredibly patriotic people in the military who could pose a danger to Obama’s regime when the full coup comes. It could be that Obama believes he needs to kill these people off so he doesn’t have any “trouble-makers” in his military after the coup. I put the thought into my back pocket, waiting to see what would happen - if other things would indicate this as a strategy. After the SEAL unit that had conducted the assassination of Bin Laden was destroyed in a single helicopter shoot-down, a lot of us suspected that Obama had made some sort of agreement with the Taliban to allow the Bin Laden assassination in return for killing off some of our finest spec-ops guys in retaliation. Certainly the Obama regime’s blabbing out details about the operation and people involved (partly because nobody would really believe what the administration tells us without evidence or details, since their claims contradict each other all the time, they had to stage a photo of a meeting, etc) endangered our SEALs, as some of them claimed straight-out.

It didn’t work that time, so now we’ve got this Koran burning thing. Why is John Bolton able to know that the people Karzai is asking to be brought to justice are the PRISONERS who desecrated their supposed holy book which the US military then properly disposed of according to Islamic law - but Obama only knows to apologize as if this whole issue wasn’t manufactured by the Islamists’ own making?

All in all, I really do believe that Obama is systematically destroying our military as well. Joe Biden did not support the deployment of more troops into Afghanistan. When Lt Col Lakin refused to deploy because he didn’t know which guy was authorized by the Constitution’s 20th Amendment to act as Commander-in-Chief, Obama played a stupid game of chicken where the deck was stacked against a fine, patriotic decorated military surgeon and all the other patriotic men and women he represented. Retired military superiors pressured Lakin to drop the eligibility issue because they were convinced that the military justice system was so compromised that it would end up setting a bad precedent. And ultimately Judge Denise Lind ruled that the lawfulness of combat orders has nothing to do with whether it was authorized by the only person granted that authority in both the Constitution, War Powers Act, and the Authorization to Use Force (which is the direct line of legal authorization from the Constitution to the actual men in combat - and every step along the way gives that authority to the Commander-in-Chief alone).

So the net effect of all that was that the entire chain of command told honest soldiers, “Screw yourselves. We don’t need no stinkin’ law. You do what we tell you whether or not it is lawful. If you don’t obey we’ll get you. If you do obey and get captured, you’re on your own.” I cannot think of a bigger way to piss on the living bodies or corpses of our US military men who take their oaths seriously.

I need to stop. This is getting to me. These are America’s finest, who offer up their lives, limbs, marriages, futures, and reputations for the sake of this country. Obama can piss on the rest of us all he wants and it’s probably no worse than we deserve, but as Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” If Obama the Muslim in chief wanted to piss on Christ he could find no better way to do it than to piss on those emulating the very self-sacrifice that Jesus made, dying for His friends.

It’s difficult for me to talk about the takeover of the military because I love those people with all my heart, and it tears me apart to talk about it. But in answer to your question, I believe that the military is also being systematically destroyed in a manner that is so evil I can barely stand to look at it.

243 posted on 02/25/2012 11:48:19 AM PST by butterdezillion
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To: Hetuck

I just realized I forgot to even address what you specifically asked about: the rank-and-file.

At this point I believe we have put the rank-and-file in the exact same position as the hero of the “Valkyrie” movie. Whether it is Constitutional or not, the military and the US courts all consider Obama to be the CINC, and the only way the rank-and-file military people can obey the Constitution when the communist coup comes and they receive orders from their chain of command to capture and kill the US citizens who resist the takeover, maybe even carry out the execution of the 25 million who resist re-education, is by boldly obeying their oaths and doing what the SOCIETY considers criminal: disobeying the usurper.

The Lakin situation was the perfect way to demoralize our guys so they would never have the gumption to do that, because we had not only the chain of command, the media, and the threatened “conservative” commentators, but also our own military heroes and their fellow-soldiers saying that the soldier’s duty is to obey orders, regardless of the Constitution, as long as the immediate order is not blatantly criminal.

I had a conversation with somebody right here on FR regarding whether these orders would have to be obeyed (which they refused to answer):

The commander tells Soldier A to hook up lethal gas to the showers.

The commander tells Soldier B to move all the prisoners to the shower area.

The commander tells Soldier C to turn on the shower.

The commander tels Soldier D to take out the dead bodies in the shower and put them in the incinerator.

None of those orders is criminal in and of itself, so according to what everybody was screaming about Lakin, every one of those orders had to be obeyed. It would be a violation of law and the oaths the soldiers took if they refused to obey those commands.

What does that tell us about what the rank-and-file soldiers will have on their shoulders come communist revolution? It will happen when Obama is in power, so everything he tells them to do they have a supposed duty to do. These are honorable people who will be having to go against their own oath (unless they are an officer) and thus against their own conscience. We are all being demoralized to the point of believing that anybody who is against the government or who suspects a conspiracy is either crazy or evil.

We are totally ignoring the lessons of the Holocaust. Once the Reichstag in the Enabling Act of 1933 gave Hitler the power to make laws all by himself - even laws that contradicted the German Constitution - the only path of resistance, the only way of obeying the Constitution, was civil disobedience. The military is trained to obey. Their minds are specifically configured that way because that is what is needed in combat situations. For anybody in the military to resist Obama at the point of the communist coup, they have to defy their own oath, their own conscience, and their own training.

If they have learned the lessons from the Holocaust they will have the strength to do that. But the lessons from the Holocaust are being suppressed. Obama’s allies believe the Holocaust never happened. In a thread a while back I made the point that it is absolutely critical that we stop Obama BEFORE he has absolute dictatorial powers, because once he gets those powers the only way out of the communist takeover is Valkyrie. In response to that a site that monitors Free Republic suggested that I am calling for the assassination of Obama - which is a real quick way to get Homeland Security to monitor my every move (which I have pretty good reason to believe they’re already doing anyway). Because I have verbalized the lesson of the Holocaust I will be presented as a crazy, violent wacko advocating the assassination of Obama. I’m not, but this is the way the current mindless society cuts off any clear, critical thinking regarding the lessons of the Holocaust.

I’ve mentioned before that the Soros machine - and it’s been pinpointed to Soros himself, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emanuel - has threatened the media with FCC and anti-monopoly annihilation if they reported on Obama’s eligibility problem, once in October before the election and another time within the first couple months after the election. The exact details are known to others but not to me. That is why we have even “conservatives” ridiculing the eligibility issue - for fear of their lives, since the media heads passed on the threat by saying that if the on-air personalities or any of their guests said anything about Obama’s eligibility problem (including a listing of very specific evidence of Obama’s non-eligibility) their career would definitely be over and their lives and families’ lives were in question. This is the 1930’s in Germany all over again. It’s reported that this is why Glenn Beck left Fox - because Soros continued the threats on Beck when he continued to expose the communist and Islamist connections of both Soros and everybody in the Obama puppet regime, and Fox refused to protect Beck’s colleagues which Beck could not hire bodyguards for (like he could for his own family). Those who thought they could appease Soros by simply mocking the eligibility issue have since learned that as long as Soros can threaten them, he is their puppet-master to tell them ANYTHING they can say. IOW, we have a full LITERALLY state-run media that rivals anything Josef Goebbels had going on.

And this is what the rank-and-file soldier is up against because that whole media - including “conservatives” are telling them it is their duty to turn on the shower if the chief tells him to.

Someone in a very important position right now told me that at this point we need to cling to God and our guns and pray for divine intervention because at this point that’s all we’ve got. I agreed. I am fearful for my nephews in the USMC.

One of my sisters at one point told me that if she believed what I do about the condition of the country she couldn’t go on. It would be a lot easier to go merrily on my way but the next step in this progression is to have to smell the burning flesh - for her, not for me. My flesh will be what she smells burning, and at this rate it may be my own nephews who set my skin alight.

This isn’t a cheery picture but I believe everybody in the country needs to know this is what we’re looking at if we don’t rise up against the lawlessness of the current regime before it’s too late. The rank-and-file military people cannot save us from this.

245 posted on 02/25/2012 12:59:41 PM PST by butterdezillion
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