Well, everyone likes Ronnie, but I think Dick Nixon might have actually done us more good, considering that the Real Enemy is the Enemedia and the Left.
Dick Nixon took the Camelot intellectuals' (Arthur Schlesinger and all those fairy bow-tie professors') fancied-up, many-powerer'd, Argus-eyed, omnicompetent Imperial Presidency and crammed it sideways right up their *ss.
Best way to teach someone his failings, is make him eat his own cooking.
He also lured the Communist Fairy Media out in the open, enraging them and causing them to show their hand. It cost Nixon his Presidency, but it also took a lot away from 'Rat presidents like Slick Willie.
Ronnie riled 'em, but Tricky Dick bent 'em and screwed them up for the next 40 years. The fact that the dinosaur media are going away now, has a lot to do with Watergate and the open partisanship of the LieStreamMedia, which Richard Nixon brought out into the open.
Interesting perspective.