You’re right.
Gov’t has no right picking winners and losers.
It has no right interfering in the economy or
American society at all.
“This touches upon the most fundamental principles of our Constitution and why the anti-discrimination rulings of the 60’s were wrong and all EEOC rulings have been in violation of our Constitution. A private company/corporation is exactly what it says—PRIVATE. The government, both local and federal, should have absolutely no say in who they hire, what criteria they use for hiring, or who the choose to serve and what criteria they use to make that decision.
That is the essence of freedom and anti-discrimination laws are the essence of state bondage and slavery. Call me a racist if you wish, the state has absolutely no business telling an employer who they can or must hire or why.”
If a Korean restaurant only wants to serve Koreans, they should be able to. If an Indian business only wants to employ Indians, they should not have to answer to anyone else for doing so.
If someone doesn’t like it, let them start their own restaurant or business.