“A lot of people obviously dont responsibly gamble and lose a lot and end up in not so great economic straits as a result of that. I believe there should be limitations.”
You could just as easily apply this same reasoning to the real estate or stock market nearly any business venture.
Government knows best.../s
It does have that “slippery slope” feeling.
...or running for the presidency. These men are gambling millions of dollars on the chance they can strike it rich and become president of the United States. I'd call that gambling.
>>A lot of people obviously dont responsibly gamble and lose a lot and end up in not so great economic straits as a result of that. I believe there should be limitations.
You could just as easily apply this same reasoning to the real estate or stock market nearly any business venture.<<
Both securities and real estate are sold by people licensed to do business and who are required to do a certain amount of due diligence when selling their products to individuals. They also have a fiduciary responsibility to those same individuals.
The only due diligence a gambling house does, is to determine that you have enough money left to place the bet, or can borrow against your house to do so, if necessary, or steal it to avoid a kneecapping in some of the shadier games.
Allowing people to sit home and gamble away their family’s future, given that gambling has been shown to be an addictive behavior, is a ridiculous public policy. We need a place to live, and we need places to invest our funds, and the government shouldn’t be in our houses breaking up private poker parties, nor should it necessarily shut down Las Vegas casinos, but on-line gambling should remain illegal.
Government does have some responsibility to protect people from themselves. We saw what happened when we opened the doors to the facilities for the mentally ill in the late 60’s. We cruelly put homeless people out on the streets to fend for themselves. We could lower the drinking age to 10, or strike it altogether. Does that make sense? How about no speed limits? Just let everyone decide on their own how fast to drive and trust each person’s judgment, but keep the government out of it. Hey, let anyone who wants run a house of prostitution in your neighborhood. What bad could come of that? Why should the government get involved?
Too many people already destroy their own lives and their family as well by gambling uncontrollably. It’s not outrageous to oppose making it easier for even more people to do the same.