Rickie Sanitarium is the Alren Spector stalking horse for the ultimate V.P. candidate for Romulus the flip flopper.
So with Rickie as V.P.ol' Rom can get the so called social conservatives on board and sweep to victory.(uh-huh).
After all the fake Conservatives at CPAC just loved Romulus' used car salesman's shtick.Suckers down to the last man standing.
“After all the fake Conservatives at CPAC just loved Romulus’ used car salesman’s shtick”
Ron Paul won CPAC’s endorsement back in 2008.
That shows where their respective heads are.
If Gingrich picks up in the polls, I’ll vote for him in the primary.
Come primary time in New Jersey, I’ll vote for the non-ROmney conservative doing BEST in the electoral delegate count to bloack Romney. For what its worth.