It might be the best answer they have.
Someone feel free to correct my assessment if you live in the region:
We have a wholly corrupt government, that has been supplanted by a Goldman puppet and has two parties who have both just removed dozens of their peers in parliament from their seats for not supporting legislation to go deeper into debt and potentially damage their sovereignty.
In addition, we have “the people” rioting in the streets of multiple cities, which looks like it is being fanned mostly by Greece’s Communist Party in an attempt to gain power because this is such a perfect excuse to push their ideology on an overtaxed populace that is about to lose their handouts.
So we have Socialist Lite, Socialist Heavy and Communists who want in but none of them will allow any form of fiscal conservatism no matter who is in power.
Is that about right?
If so, they are screwed. Military coup would be an improvement.
Does ANY of the populace want real representative government and balanced budgets? Are they willing to fight to get it? Or are they all a nation of takers from the government dole?
Pivotal questions really. We're at 47% on some sort of government support too. Questions we need to be asking ourselves. Are we willing to fight to get that real representative government and balanced budgets?
Better badly as the GOP has sold us out over the past decade with their, "reach across the aisle," are we really just still in the denial stage?
As someone posted the Greeks are moderate left, left, and further left. Is there really a difference between our own GOP-e, RINO, and democrat? Heck we're just now even realizing we have something called a CINO too!